Stanisław Stupkiewicz: publications

JCR journal papers

  1. S. Liu, J. Wu, F. Teng, S. He, X. Yuan, S. Stupkiewicz and Y. Wang (2025).
    Effect of surface adhesion characteristics on stick-slip mechanism of flexible film/substrate bilayer structure: Multiscale insight,
    Tribology International, vol. 204, 110520.
    PDF (free access) ]
  2. S. Liu, J. Wu, S. He, X. Yuan, S. Stupkiewicz and Y. Wang (2025).
    Effect of substrate stiffness on interfacial Schallamach wave of flexible film/substrate bilayer structure: Cohesive contact insight,
    Tribology International, vol. 202, 110358.
  3. P. Sadowski, M. Rezaee-Hajidehi and S. Stupkiewicz (2024).
    Deformation twinning as a displacive transformation: computational aspects of the phase-field model coupled with crystal plasticity,
    Computational Mechanics (published online).
    PDF (open access) ]
  4. J.R. Barber and S. Stupkiewicz (2024).
    Indentation of a thin incompressible layer with finite friction,
    International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 298, 112868.
    SSRN preprint ]
  5. J. Dobrzański and S. Stupkiewicz (2024).
    Towards a sharper phase-field method: A hybrid diffuse–semisharp approach for microstructure evolution problems,
    Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 423, 116841.
    arXiv preprint ]
  6. J. Dobrzański, K. Wojtacki and S. Stupkiewicz (2024).
    Lamination-based efficient treatment of weak discontinuities for non-conforming finite element meshes,
    Computers and Structures, vol. 291, 107209.
    PDF (open access) ]
  7. M. Wichrowski, P. Krzyżanowski, L. Heltai and S. Stupkiewicz (2023).
    Exploiting high-contrast Stokes preconditioners to efficiently solve incompressible fluid–structure interaction problems,
    International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, vol. 124, 5446-5470.
    PDF (open access) ]
  8. S. Amini, M. Rezaee-Hajidehi and S. Stupkiewicz (2023).
    Energy and morphology of martensite–twinned martensite interface in CuAlNi shape memory alloy: A phase-field study,
    Computational Materials Science, vol. 230, 112472.
    PDF (open access) ]
  9. M. Rezaee-Hajidehi and S. Stupkiewicz (2023).
    Predicting transformation patterns in pseudoelastic NiTi tubes under proportional axial-torsion loading,
    International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 281, 112436.
    PDF (open access) ]
  10. M. Rezaee-Hajidehi, K. Tuma and S. Stupkiewicz (2023).
    Indentation-induced martensitic transformation in SMAs: Insights from phase-field simulations,
    International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, vol. 245, 108100.
    arXiv preprint ]
  11. M. Ryś, S. Stupkiewicz and H. Petryk (2022).
    Micropolar regularization of crystal plasticity with the gradient-enhanced incremental hardening law,
    International Journal of Plasticity, vol. 156, 103355.
    PDF (open access) ]
  12. M. Rezaee-Hajidehi, P. Sadowski and S. Stupkiewicz (2022).
    Deformation twinning as a displacive transformation: Finite-strain phase-field model of coupled twinning and crystal plasticity,
    Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, vol. 163, 104885.
    PDF (open access) ]
  13. P. Sadowski, K. Kowalczyk-Gajewska and S. Stupkiewicz (2021).
    Spurious softening in the macroscopic response predicted by the additive tangent Mori-Tanaka scheme for elastic-viscoplastic composites,
    European Journal of Mechanics A / Solids, vol. 90, 104339.
    PDF (open access) ]
  14. M. Rezaee-Hajidehi and S. Stupkiewicz (2021).
    Micromorphic approach to phase-field modeling of multivariant martensitic transformation with rate-independent dissipation effects,
    International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 222-223, 111027.
    PDF (open access) ]
  15. K. Tuma, M. Rezaee-Hajidehi, J. Hron, P.E. Farrell and S. Stupkiewicz (2021).
    Phase-field modeling of multivariant martensitic transformation at finite-strain: Computational aspects and large-scale finite-element simulations,
    Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 377, 113705.
    arXiv preprint ]
  16. M. Rezaee-Hajidehi and S. Stupkiewicz (2021).
    Modelling of propagating instabilities in pseudoelastic NiTi tubes under combined tension–torsion: helical bands and apparent yield locus,
    International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 221, 130-149.
    manuscript ]
  17. S. Stupkiewicz, M. Rezaee-Hajidehi and H. Petryk (2021).
    Multiscale analysis of the effect of interfacial energy on non-monotonic stress-strain response in shape memory alloys,
    International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 221, 77-91.
    PDF (open access) ]
  18. M. Rezaee-Hajidehi, K. Tuma and S. Stupkiewicz (2021).
    A note on Padé approximants of tensor logarithm with application to Hencky-type hyperelasticity,
    Computational Mechanics, vol. 68, 619-632.
    PDF (open access) ]
  19. M.J. Lewandowski-Szewczyk and S. Stupkiewicz (2020).
    Non-standard contact conditions in generalized continua: microblock contact model for a Cosserat body,
    International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 202, 881-894.
    manuscript ]
  20. J. Lengiewicz, M. de Souza, M.A. Lahmar, C. Courbon, D. Dalmas, S. Stupkiewicz and J. Scheibert (2020).
    Finite deformations govern the anisotropic shear-induced area reduction of soft elastic contacts,
    Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, vol. 143, 104056.
    PDF (open access) ]
  21. M. Rezaee-Hajidehi and S. Stupkiewicz (2020).
    Phase-field modeling of multivariant martensitic microstructures and size effects in nano-indentation,
    Mechanics of Materials, vol. 141, 103267.
    PDF (open access) ]
  22. M. Rezaee-Hajidehi, K. Tuma and S. Stupkiewicz (2020).
    Gradient-enhanced thermomechanical 3D model for simulation of transformation patterns in pseudoelastic shape memory alloys,
    International Journal of Plasticity, vol. 128, 102589.
    manuscript ]
  23. P. Sadowski and S. Stupkiewicz (2019).
    Friction in lubricated soft-on-hard, hard-on-soft and soft-on-soft sliding contacts,
    Tribology International, vol. 129, 246-256.
    manuscript ]
  24. M.J. Lewandowski and S. Stupkiewicz (2018).
    Size effects in wedge indentation predicted by a gradient-enhanced crystal-plasticity model,
    International Journal of Plasticity, vol. 109, 54-78.
    manuscript ]
  25. K. Tuma, S. Stupkiewicz and H. Petryk (2018).
    Rate-independent dissipation in phase-field modelling of displacive transformations,
    Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, vol. 114, 117-142.
    manuscript ]
  26. A.I. Vakis, V.A. Yastrebov, J. Scheibert, L. Nicola et al. (2018).
    Modeling and simulation in tribology across scales: An overview,
    Tribology International, vol. 125, 169-199.
  27. D. Bigoni, N. Bordignon, A. Piccolroaz and S. Stupkiewicz (2018).
    Bifurcation of elastic solids with sliding interfaces,
    Proceedings of the Royal Society A, vol. 474, 20170681.
    PDF (open access) ]
  28. M. Rezaee-Hajidehi and S. Stupkiewicz (2018).
    Gradient-enhanced model and its micromorphic regularization for simulation of Lüders-like bands in shape memory alloys,
    International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 135, 208-218.
    manuscript ]
  29. P. Sadowski, K. Kowalczyk-Gajewska and S. Stupkiewicz (2017).
    Consistent treatment and automation of the incremental Mori-Tanaka scheme for elasto-plastic composites,
    Computational Mechanics, vol. 60, 493-511.
    PDF (open access) ]
  30. P. Sadowski, K. Kowalczyk-Gajewska and S. Stupkiewicz (2017).
    Response discontinuities in the solution of the incremental Mori-Tanaka scheme for elasto-plastic composites,
    Archives of Mechanics, vol. 69, 3-27.
  31. H. Petryk, S. Stupkiewicz and S. Kucharski (2017).
    On direct estimation of hardening exponent in crystal plasticity from the spherical indentation test,
    International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 112, 209-221.
    manuscript ]
  32. S. Stupkiewicz and H. Petryk (2016).
    A minimal gradient-enhancement of the classical continuum theory of crystal plasticity. Part II: Size effects,
    Archives of Mechanics, vol. 68, 487-513.
  33. H. Petryk and S. Stupkiewicz (2016).
    A minimal gradient-enhancement of the classical continuum theory of crystal plasticity. Part I: The hardening law,
    Archives of Mechanics, vol. 68, 459-485.
  34. K. Tuma and S. Stupkiewicz (2016).
    Phase-field study of size-dependent morphology of austenite-twinned martensite interface in CuAlNi,
    International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 97-98, 89-100.
    manuscript ]
  35. K. Tuma, S. Stupkiewicz and H. Petryk (2016).
    Size effects in martensitic microstructures: finite-strain phase field model versus sharp-interface approach,
    Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, vol. 95, 284-307.
    manuscript ]
  36. I. Temizer and S. Stupkiewicz (2016).
    Formulation of the Reynolds equation on a time-dependent lubrication surface,
    Proceedings of the Royal Society A, vol. 472, 20160032.
    manuscript ]
  37. S. Stupkiewicz, J. Lengiewicz, P. Sadowski and S. Kucharski (2016).
    Finite deformation effects in soft elastohydrodynamic lubrication problems,
    Tribology International, vol. 93, 511-522.
    manuscript ]
  38. P. Sadowski, K. Kowalczyk-Gajewska and S. Stupkiewicz (2015).
    Classical estimates of the effective thermoelastic properties of copper-graphene composites,
    Composites Part B, vol. 80, 278-290.
    manuscript ]
  39. K. Kowalczyk-Gajewska, K. Sztwiertnia, J. Kawałko, K. Wierzbanowski, M. Wroński, K. Frydrych, S. Stupkiewicz and H. Petryk (2015).
    Texture evolution in titanium on complex deformation paths: Experiment and modelling,
    Materials Science and Engineering A, vol. 637, 251-263.
  40. S. Stupkiewicz, A. Piccolroaz and D. Bigoni (2015).
    Finite-strain formulation and FE implementation of a constitutive model for powder compaction,
    Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 283, 856-880.
    manuscript ]
  41. P.A. Gourgiotis and S. Stupkiewicz (2014).
    Macroscopic stress and strain in a doubly periodic array of dislocation dipoles,
    Proceedings of the Royal Society A, vol. 470, 20140309.
    manuscript ]
  42. S. Stupkiewicz, M.J. Lewandowski and J. Lengiewicz (2014).
    Micromechanical analysis of friction anisotropy in rough elastic contacts,
    International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 51, 3931-3943.
    manuscript ]
  43. S. Stupkiewicz, R. Denzer, A. Piccolroaz and D. Bigoni (2014).
    Implicit yield function formulation for granular and rock-like materials,
    Computational Mechanics, vol. 54, 1163-1173.
    PDF (open access), supplementary material ]
  44. Y. Zhao, X. Chen, C. Park, C. Fay, S. Stupkiewicz and C. Ke (2014).
    Mechanical deformations of boron nitride nanotubes in crossed junctions,
    Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 115, 164305.
  45. S. Kucharski, S. Stupkiewicz and H. Petryk (2014).
    Surface pile-up patterns in indentation testing of Cu single crystals,
    Experimental Mechanics, vol. 54, 957-969.
    PDF (open access) ]
  46. J. Korelc and S. Stupkiewicz (2014).
    Closed-form matrix exponential and its application in finite-strain plasticity,
    International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, vol. 98, 960-987.
  47. J. Lengiewicz, M. Wichrowski and S. Stupkiewicz (2014).
    Mixed formulation and finite element treatment of the mass-conserving cavitation model,
    Tribology International, vol. 72, 143-155.
    manuscript, supplementary material ]
  48. S. Stupkiewicz, A. Piccolroaz and D. Bigoni (2014).
    Elastoplastic coupling to model cold ceramic powder compaction,
    Journal of the European Ceramic Society, vol. 34, 2839-2848.
  49. S. Stupkiewicz (2013).
    An ALE formulation for implicit time integration of quasi-steady-state wear problems,
    Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 260, 130-142.
    manuscript ]
  50. J. Lengiewicz and S. Stupkiewicz (2013).
    Efficient model of evolution of wear in quasi-steady-state sliding contacts,
    Wear, vol. 303, 611-621.
    manuscript, supplementary material ]
  51. K. Kowalczyk-Gajewska and S. Stupkiewicz (2013).
    Modelling of texture evolution in KOBO extrusion process,
    Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, vol. 58, 113-118.
  52. S. Stupkiewicz and H. Petryk (2013).
    A robust model of pseudoelasticity in shape memory alloys,
    International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, vol. 93, 747-769.
    manuscript ]
  53. S. Stupkiewicz, G. Maciejewski and H. Petryk (2012).
    Elastic micro-strain energy of austenite-martensite interface in NiTi,
    Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 20, 035001.
    manuscript ]
  54. H. Petryk and S. Stupkiewicz (2012).
    Modelling of microstructure evolution on complex paths of large plastic deformation,
    International Journal of Materials Research, vol. 103, 271-277.
  55. S. Stupkiewicz and A. Górzyńska-Lengiewicz (2012).
    Almost compatible X-microstructures in CuAlNi shape memory alloy,
    Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, vol. 24, 149-164.
    PDF (open access) ]
  56. H. Petryk and S. Stupkiewicz (2012).
    Instability of equilibrium of evolving laminates in pseudo-elastic solids,
    International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, vol. 47, 317-330.
    manuscript ]
  57. J. Lengiewicz and S. Stupkiewicz (2012).
    Continuum framework for finite element modelling of finite wear,
    Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 205-208, 178-188.
  58. J. Lengiewicz, J. Korelc and S. Stupkiewicz (2011).
    Automation of finite element formulations for large deformation contact problems,
    International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, vol. 85, 1252-1279.
  59. S. Stupkiewicz and H. Petryk (2010).
    Grain-size effect in micromechanical modelling of hysteresis in shape memory alloys,
    ZAMM, vol. 90, 783-795.
  60. P. Sadowski and S. Stupkiewicz (2010).
    Combined effect of friction and macroscopic deformation on asperity flattening,
    Tribology International, vol. 43, 1735-1741.
  61. S. Stupkiewicz, J. Lengiewicz and J. Korelc (2010).
    Sensitivity analysis for frictional contact problems in the augmented Lagrangian formulation,
    Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 199, 2165-2176.
  62. H. Petryk and S. Stupkiewicz (2010).
    Interfacial energy and dissipation in martensitic phase transformations. Part I: Theory,
    Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, vol. 58, 390-408.
  63. H. Petryk, S. Stupkiewicz and G. Maciejewski (2010).
    Interfacial energy and dissipation in martensitic phase transformations. Part II: Size effects in pseudoelasticity,
    Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, vol. 58, 373-389.
  64. S. Stupkiewicz and H. Petryk (2010).
    A bi-crystal aggregate model of pseudoelastic behaviour of shape-memory alloy polycrystals,
    International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, vol. 52, 219-228.
  65. P. Sadowski and S. Stupkiewicz (2010).
    A model of thermal contact conductance at high real contact area fractions,
    Wear, vol. 268, 77-85.
  66. S. Stupkiewicz (2009).
    Finite element treatment of soft elastohydrodynamic lubrication problems in the finite deformation regime,
    Computational Mechanics, vol. 44, 605-619.
    manuscript ]
  67. S. Stupkiewicz and A. Marciniszyn (2009).
    Elastohydrodynamic lubrication and finite configuration changes in reciprocating elastomeric seals,
    Tribology International, vol. 42, 615-627.
    manuscript ]
  68. H. Petryk, S. Stupkiewicz and R. Kuziak (2008).
    Grain refinement and strain hardening in IF steel during multi-axis compression: Experiment and modelling,
    Journal of Materials Processing Technology, vol. 204, 255-263.
  69. S. Stupkiewicz, G. Maciejewski and H. Petryk (2007).
    Low-energy morphology of the interface layer between austenite and twinned martensite,
    Acta Materialia, vol. 55, 6292-6306.
  70. M. Richert, H. Petryk and S. Stupkiewicz (2007).
    Grain refinement in AlMgSi alloy during cyclic extrusion–compression: Experiment and modelling,
    Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, vol. 52, 49-54.
    manuscript ]
  71. H. Petryk and S. Stupkiewicz (2007).
    A quantitative model of grain refinement and strain hardening during severe plastic deformation,
    Materials Science and Engineering A, vol. 444, 214-219.
  72. S. Stupkiewicz and H. Petryk (2006).
    Finite-strain micromechanical model of stress-induced martensitic transformations in shape memory alloys,
    Materials Science and Engineering A, vol. 438-440, 126-130.
  73. G. Maciejewski, S. Stupkiewicz and H. Petryk (2005).
    Elastic micro-strain energy at the austenite–twinned martensite interface,
    Archives of Mechanics, vol. 57, 277-297.
  74. H. Petryk and S. Stupkiewicz (2004).
    Micromechanical modelling of stress-induced phase transition in shape memory alloys,
    Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, vol. 49, 765-777.
    manuscript ]
  75. S. Stupkiewicz (2004).
    The effect of stacking fault energy on the formation of stress-induced internally faulted martensite plates,
    European Journal of Mechanics A / Solids, vol. 23, 107-126.
  76. S. Stupkiewicz and H. Petryk (2004).
    Micromechanical modelling of stress-induced martensitic transformation and detwinning in shape memory alloys,
    Journal de Physique IV, vol. 115, 141-149.
    manuscript ]
  77. S. Stupkiewicz and Z. Mróz (2003).
    Phenomenological model of real contact area evolution with account for bulk plastic deformation in metal forming,
    International Journal of Plasticity, vol. 19, 323-344.
  78. S. Stupkiewicz, J. Korelc, M. Dutko and T. Rodic (2002).
    Shape sensitivity analysis of large deformation frictional contact problems,
    Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 191, 3555-3581.
  79. S. Stupkiewicz and H. Petryk (2002).
    Modelling of laminated microstructures in stress-induced martensitic transformations,
    Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, vol. 50, 2303-2331.
  80. S. Stupkiewicz (2001).
    Extension of the node-to-segment contact element for surface-expansion-dependent contact laws,
    International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, vol. 50, 739-759.
  81. S. Stupkiewicz (2001).
    Approximate response sensitivities for non-linear problems in explicit dynamic formulation,
    Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, vol. 21, 283-291.
  82. S. Stupkiewicz and Z. Mróz (1999).
    A model of third body abrasive friction and wear in hot metal forming,
    Wear, vol. 231, 124-138.
  83. S. Stupkiewicz (1999).
    A class of frictional contact problems with proportional response to proportional loading,
    Mechanics Research Communications, vol. 26, 197-202.
  84. Z. Mróz and S. Stupkiewicz (1998).
    Constitutive model of adhesive and ploughing friction in metal-forming processes,
    International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, vol. 40, 281-303.
  85. S. Stupkiewicz (1996).
    Fiber sliding model accounting for interfacial micro-dilatancy,
    Mechanics of Materials, vol. 22, 65-84.
  86. Z. Mróz and S. Stupkiewicz (1994).
    An anisotropic friction and wear model,
    International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 31, 1113-1131.
  87. S. Stupkiewicz and Z. Mróz (1994).
    Elastic beam on a rigid frictional foundation under monotonic and cyclic loading,
    International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 31, 3419-3442.

Books and chapters

  1. S. Stupkiewicz (2018).
    Finite wear and soft elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication: beyond the classical frictional contact of soft solids,
    In A. Popp and P. Wriggers, editors, Contact Modeling for Solids and Particles, CISM Courses and Lectures, vol. 585, pp. 125-176, Springer.
  2. S. Stupkiewicz (2007).
    Micromechanics of Contact and Interphase Layers,
    Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York.
    [ first version appeared in IFTR Reports as my habilitation thesis ]

Other journals

  1. H. Petryk and S. Stupkiewicz (2010).
    Energia powierzchniowa, dyssypacja i efekty skali w modelowaniu mikrostruktur martenzytycznych,
    Czasopismo Techniczne, vol. 107(20), 99-108.
  2. S. Stupkiewicz and A. Marciniszyn (2004).
    Modelowanie smarowania i zmian chropowatości powierzchni w procesach przeróbki plastycznej,
    Informatyka w Technologii Materiałów, vol. 4, 23-29.
  3. J. Rojek, J.J. Telega and S. Stupkiewicz (2001).
    Contact problems with friction, adhesion and wear in orthopaedic biomechanics. Part II - Numerical implementation and application to implanted knee joints,
    Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, vol. 39, 679-706.
  4. S. Stupkiewicz and Z. Mróz (2001).
    Modelling of friction and dilatancy effects at brittle interfaces for monotonic and cyclic loading,
    Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, vol. 39, 707-739.
    manuscript ]

Conference proceedings

  1. K. Kowalczyk-Gajewska, S. Stupkiewicz, K. Frydrych and H. Petryk (2014).
    Modelling of texture evolution and grain refinement on complex SPD paths.
    IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 63, 012040.
  2. S. Stupkiewicz and H. Petryk (2009).
    On dissipation, interfacial energy and size effects in shape memory alloys.
    In P. Sittner, L. Heller and V. Paidar, editors, ESOMAT 2009 - The 8th European Symposium on Martensitic Transformations, 03013, published by EDP Sciences (
  3. H. Petryk and S. Stupkiewicz (2009).
    Modelling of strain hardening and grain refinement during severe plastic deformation.
    In A. Rusinek and P. Chevrier, editors, Workshop in Memory of Prof. J.R. Klepaczko: Dynamic Behaviour of Materials, pp. 43-50, LPMM, Metz, France.
  4. H. Petryk, G. Maciejewski and S. Stupkiewicz (2007).
    Interfacial energy and size effects in stress-induced martensitic microstructures.
    In W.K. Nowacki and H. Zhao, editors, Proc. EMMC-10: Multi-phase and Multi-component Materials under Dynamic Loading, pp. 243-252, IPPT PAN.
  5. S. Stupkiewicz and H. Petryk (2007).
    Multi-scale modelling of pseudoelastic behaviour of SMA polycrystals.
    In W.K. Nowacki and H. Zhao, editors, Proc. EMMC-10: Multi-phase and Multi-component Materials under Dynamic Loading, pp. 283-290, IPPT PAN.
  6. J. Lengiewicz, S. Stupkiewicz, J. Korelc, and T. Rodic (2006).
    DDM-based sensitivity analysis and optimization for smooth contact formulations.
    In: P. Wriggers and U. Nackenhorst (eds.), Analysis and Simulation of Contact Problems, volume 27 of Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics, pp. 79-86. Springer, 2006.
  7. J. Korelc, J. Lengiewicz and S. Stupkiewicz (2006).
    A study of symbolic description, numerical efficiency and accuracy of 2D and 3D contact formulations.
    In: P. Wriggers and U. Nackenhorst (eds.), Analysis and Simulation of Contact Problems, volume 27 of Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics, pp. 111-118. Springer.
  8. S. Stupkiewicz and P. Sadowski (2006).
    Micromechanical analysis of deformation and temperature inhomogeneities within rough contact layers.
    In: P. Wriggers and U. Nackenhorst (eds.), Analysis and Simulation of Contact Problems, volume 27 of Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics, pp. 325-332. Springer.
  9. H. Petryk, S. Stupkiewicz, and G. Maciejewski (2006).
    Modelling of austenite/martensite laminates with interfacial energy effect.
    In: P. Tong and Q.P. Sun (eds), IUTAM Symposium on Size Effects on Material and Structural Behaviour at Micron- and Nano-scales, pp. 151-162. Springer.
  10. S. Stupkiewicz and A. Marciniszyn (2004).
    Modelowanie zmian chropowatości i rzeczywistej powierzchni kontaktu w procesach przeróbki plastycznej.
    In: Proc. 11th Conference Informatyka w Technologii Metali, M. Pietrzyk, J. Kusiak, F. Grosman, A. Piela (eds.), pp. 147-154, Zakopane, Poland, January 11-14, 2004.
  11. S. Stupkiewicz and A. Marciniszyn (2004).
    Modelling of asperity deformation in the thin-film hydrodynamic lubrication regime.
    In: ICTMP2004: Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Tribology in Manufacturing Processes, N. Bay (ed.), pp. 695-702, Nyborg, Denmark, June 15-18, 2004.
  12. S. Stupkiewicz (2003).
    Augmented Lagrangian formulation and sensitivity analysis of contact problems.
    In: Complas VII: 7th International Conference on Computational Plasticity, E. Onate and D.R.J. Owen (eds.), CIMNE, Barcelona, proceedings on CD.
    manuscript ]
  13. S. Stupkiewicz and Z. Mróz (2002).
    Phenomenological model of friction accounting for subsurface plastic deformation in metal forming.
    In: J.A.C. Martins and M.D.P. Marques (eds.), Contact Mechanics, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 179-186 (Proc. 3rd Contact Mechanics International Symposium, Peniche, Portugal, June 17-21, 2001).
  14. S. Stupkiewicz and Z. Mróz (2002).
    Modelling of bulk deformation effects on real contact area and friction in metal forming.
    In: Proc. EUROMECH 435, Friction and Wear in Metal Forming, pp. 63-70, University of Valenciennes, France, June 18-20, 2002.
  15. S. Stupkiewicz and Z. Mróz (2002).
    Friction model accounting for bulk deformation in metal forming.
    In: D.Y. Yang, S.I. Oh, H. Huh and Y.H. Kim (eds.), NUMISHEET 2002, Proc. 5th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Forming Processes, pp. 459-464, Jeju Island, Korea, October 21-25, 2002.
  16. S. Stupkiewicz and H. Petryk (2001).
    Simulation of stress-induced martensitic transformations in shape memory alloys with layered micro-structure.
    In: European Conference on Computational Mechanics ECCM-2001, Cracow, Poland, June 26-29, 2001, proceedings on CD.
  17. Z. Mróz and S. Stupkiewicz (1999).
    Thermoplastic deformation at interfaces in metal forming processes.
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  18. S. Stupkiewicz (1999).
    Approximate response sensitivities for non-linear problems in explicit dynamic formulation.
    In: 3rd World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimisation WCSMO-3, Amherst, NY, May 1999, proceedings on CD.
  19. S. Stupkiewicz, M. Dutko and J. Korelc (1999).
    Sensitivity analysis for 2-D frictional contact problems.
    In: European Conference on Computational Mechanics ECCM'99, Munich, September 1999, proceedings on CD.
  20. Z. Mróz and S. Stupkiewicz (1996).
    Models of friction and wear in metal forming processes.
    In: T. Abe, T. Tsuta (eds.), Advances in engineering plasticity and its application (Proceedings of the AEPA'96 Symposium, Hiroshima, Japan, 1996), Pergamon, pp. 67-73.
  21. Z. Mróz and S. Stupkiewicz (1995).
    Hysteretic effects and progressive delamination at composite interfaces.
    In: A. Pyrz (ed.), IUTAM Symposium on microstructure-properties interactions in composite materials, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 247-264.
  22. Z. Mróz and S. Stupkiewicz (1992).
    Constitutive modelling of slip and wear in elastic, frictional contact.
    In: A. Curnier (ed.), Proc. Contact Mechanics International Symposium, PPUR, pp. 133-156.

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Last modified: January 18, 2025