Tomasz A. Kowalewski
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Laboratory of Modeling in Biology and Medicine
Pierini Research Group
Department of Mechanics and Physics of Fluids (archived local web page)
Fluid Mechanics Seminar (archive)
Some More Links:CNM17, KKMP2016, KKNM2014, KKMN2012, KKMP2012, ABIOMED, BF2005, ICTAM04, CONEX, FLOXCOM, Euro406, PCC99,
PCC02, VTMX2000,
other conferences, seminars, interesting sites
Brownian motion of highly deformable hydrogel
nanofilament (movie)
Sylwia Pawlowska, Pawel Nakielski
AFM combined with OT: cell membrane probing (movie)
Krzysztof Zembrzycki, Filippo Pierini
Electrospinning of nanofibers
Slawomir Blonski, Tomasz Kowalczyk, Filippo Pierini et al.
Bio-fluidics: C.elegans fed with fluorescent
Seminar by Aleksandra Nowicka (17.06.2009)
Sliding Droplets, EU supported collaboration
Piotr Korczyk
Micro- and nano-fluidics
Slawomir Blonski, Piotr Korczyk
Bio-fluidics: astrocyte with nanospheres
Aleksandra Nowicka
Natural convection with phase change
Winfried Hiller, Steffan Koch, Marek Rebow, Andrzej Cybulski
Breakup of a liquid jet and droplet pinch-off process
Winfried Hiller, Jens Eggers
Visualization of vapour bubble growth
Jaroslaw Pakleza
Modelling slope flow
Krzysztof Dekajlo, Harrindra Fernando
Modelling flow of an atmospheric cloud
Piotr Korczyk, Szymon Malinowski
Validation of numerical simulations for freezing water
Tomasz Michalek