Electrospinning presentation at 5th EFMC 5, Toulouse,
France, August 24-28, 2003
Electrospinning presentation at
CDMM2005, Sept. 5-9, 2005.
Electrospinning of Liquid Jets published in
Mechanics of 21st Century, ICTAM2004 CD-ROM
Experiments and modelling of electrospinning process
Bulletin Polish Academy Scs.: Tech., 2005
Modeling of Electrospinning, seminar presentation by S. Barral
Electrospinning of bovine serum albumin.
9(7), pp. 2087-2090, 2008.
Electrospinning of
Nanofibers, in
Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium 2008
Numerical simulation of the electrospinning process (demo)
Report on nanofibres KBN project N50803131/1740 (in Polish),
Warszawa 2010
Report on nanofibres NCBiR project Nr. R13008110 (in Polish),
Warszawa 2013
DVD clip taken from
Donaldson Inc. demonstration of Ultra-Web nanofilters
Nanofibre Mats for Neurosurgery seminar at University of
Illinois at Chicago,
April 15, 2014.
Drug delivery systems based on nanofibres, PhD Thesis (in
Polish)by Pawel Nakielski, IPPT PAN 2015.
Hydrogel Nanofilaments via Core-Shell Electrospinning, PLOS ONE
10(6), pp. e0129816-1-16, 2015
Highly deformable nanofilaments in flow, S. Pawlowska,
J. of Physics 780(1), pp.1-10. 2016.
Organic Solar Cells Based on Electrospun Fullerene, F. Pierini et al.,
Macromolecules, 2017.
Lateral migration of electrospun hydrogel nanofilaments
in an oscillatory flow, PLOS ONE 12(11), 2017.
Dynamics of nano objects suspended in liquids, PhD Thesis by S. Pawlowska, IBiB PAN 2018.
Patent PL225858B1
Pierini Research Group
Laboratory of Polymers and Biomaterials
Slawomir Blonski webpage
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Crash test of nanofibres membrane