Department of Mechanics and Physics of Fluids



  1. A. Cybulski, T.A. Kowalewski, T. Michalek, M. Kowalczyk, M. Sokolnicki, Experimental and numerical simulation of mould filling process, in Transport Phenomena in Multiphase Systems Heat 2002, pp. 267-272, PK, Kielce 2002
  2. A. Kucaba-Pietal, Z. Walenta, Z. Peradzynski, Water flows in narrow channels, Third Applied Mathematics Conference for Industrial Flow Problems, Lisbona, 17-20. 04. 2002, 43-44.
  3. A. Kucaba-Pietal, Z. Walenta, Z. Peradzynski, What are the limits of applicability of the theory of micropolar fluids for description of real fluid flows through narrow channels, Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., t. 1, z. 1, s. 308-309. 2002.
  4. A.Górska, K.Górski, Z.Kotulski, A.Paszkiewicz, J.Szczepanski, New Experimental Results in Differential-Linear Cryptanalysis of Reduced Variants of DES, in: Advanced Computer Systems, J.Soldek, J.Pejas, eds, Kluwer Academic Publishers. Boston, January 2002. ISBN 0-7923-7651-X., V. 664, pp. 335-348, (2002).
  5. Andrianov I. and Danishevsky V., Tokarzewski S., Horseva I., and Seferovsky S., Effective plane shear modulus of a composite material with fibrous square-shaped inclusions w: Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering, Polish-Ukrainian Transactions, vol.I, ed. By W. Szczeniak, OWPW, Warszawa 2002, 535-542.
  6. B. Cichocki, M.L. Ekiel-Jezewska, P. Szymczak, E. Wajnryb, Three particle contribution to sedimentation and collective diffusion in hard sphere suspensions, J. Chem. Phys. 117, 1231-1241, 2002.
  7. B. Kazmierczak, Existence of heteroclinic orbits for systems satisfying monotonicity conditions, Lecture Notes in Nonlinear Analysis, 3, 93-107, 2002
  8. B. Kazmierczak, K. Piechór, Parametric dependence of phase boundary solution to model kinetic equations on parameters, ZAMP, 53, 539-568, 2002
  9. B. Kazmierczak, K. Piechor, Phase Boundary Solutions to Model Kinetic Equations via the Conley Index Theory, Part II, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 36, 1393-1408, 2002
  10. B. Kazmierczak, K. Piechor, Some Heteroclinic Solutions of a Model of Skin Pattern Formation, Proceedings of the ECMTB Conference, Milan, 2002
  11. B. Kazmierczak, M.Massot, V.Volpert, Z.Peradzynski, Solvability conditions for elliptic problems with nonfredholm operators, Applicationes Mathematicae, 29, 219-238, 2002
  12. B. Kazmierczak, T. Lipniacki, Homoclinic solutions in mechanical systems with small dissipation. Application to DNA dynamics, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 44, 309-329, 2002
  13. Gilewicz J., Pindor M., Telega J.J., Tokarzewski S, Continued fractions, two-point Pade approximants and estimates of error in Stjelties case, J. Comp. Appl, Math., 145, 99-112, 2002.
  14. I.T. Pieńkowska, Nonstationary Stokes friction relations: many-sphere hydrodynamic interactions, Acta Mechanica 156, 249-255, 2002.
  15. J. Kurzyna, N.Gascon, G. Bonhomme, M. Dudeck, K. Makowski, Z. Peradzyński, V. Lago, A. Lebehot, Oscillations of discharge current in stationary plasma thruster, High TemperatureMaterial Processes, An Int. Jour., 6, 181-190, 2002
  16. J. Pakleza, M.-C. Duluc, T.A. Kowalewski, Experimental investigation of vapour bubble growth, Heat Transfer 2002, vol. 3, pp. 479-485, Elsevier 2002
  17. J. Stasiek, T.A. Kowalewski, Thermochromic liquid crystals applied for heat transfer research, Opto-electronics review, vol. 10(1), pp. 1-10, 2002
  18. K. Piechór, B. Kazmierczak, Heteroclinic solutions for a model of skin morphogenesis, Mathematical Modelling & Computing in Biology and Medicine, V. Capasso, MIRIAM, 545-551, 2003, Mediolan, Włochy 2002
  19. M.L. Ekiel-Jezewska, N. Lecoq, R. Anthore, F. Bostel, F. Feuillebois, Rotation due to hydrodynamic interactions between two spheres in contact, Phys. Rev. E 66, 051504-1/051504-14 (2002).
  20. M.L. Ekiel-Jezewska, N. Lecoq, R. Anthore, F. Bostel, F. Feuillebois, Interactions between two close spheres in Stokes flow, in Tubes, Sheets and Singularities in Fluid Dynamics, ed. by K. Bajer and H.K. Moffat, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 343-348, 2002.
  21. P. Monti, H.J. Fernando, M. Princevac, T.A. Kowalewski, W.C. Chan, E.R. Padyjak, Observations of flow and turbulence in the nocturnal boundary layer, J. Atmospheric Scs. vol. 59(17), 2513-2534, 2002
  22. S. Barral, K. Makowski, Z. Peradzyński and M. Dudeck, Model of stationary plasma thruster with conducting walls, 38th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Indianapolis (IN), USA, AIAA 2002-4245, 2002
  23. Starushenko G., Krulik N and Tokarzewski S ., Isledovanje i analiz periodiczeskoj struktury na uprugom osnowanii z pomoszczju metoda niegladkogo prieobrazowania argumenta, w: Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering, Polish-Ukrainian Transactions, vol.I, ed. By W. Szczeniak, OWPW, Warszawa 2002, 803-808.
  24. Starushenko G., Krulik N and Tokarzewski S, Employment of non-symmetrical saw-tooth argument transformation method in the elasticity theory for layered composites, Int. Journ. Heat Mass Transf., 45, 3055-3060, 2002.
  25. T. Lipniacki, Evolution of the anisotropy of quantum vortex tangle Proceedings of IUTAM Conference: Tubes Sheets and Singularities in Fluid Dynamics, Springer (2002).
  26. T. Lipniacki, Self similar solutions of quantum vortex motion, Proceedings of IX European Turbulence Conference, Cimne Barcelona, 665-668 (2002).
  27. T. Lipniacki, Quasi-static solution for quantum vortex motion under localized induction approximation, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 477, 321-337, 2002
  28. T. Michalek, S. Bloński, T. Kowalewski, Model przepływowy sektora komory spalania turbiny gazowej, Krajowa Konferencja Mechaniki Płynów, CDROM, Politechnika Warszawska 2002.
  29. T.A. Kowalewski, A. Cybulski, T. Michalek, Experimental benchmark for casting problems, Heat Transfer 2002, vol. 4, pp. 813-819, Elsevier 2002
  30. T.A. Kowalewski, Experimental benchmarks for solidification problems, Proceedings of Eurotherm 71, Uni. Reims, 43 - 50, 2003, Reims. France, 2002
  31. T.A. Kowalewski, Particle Image Velocimetry and Thermometry in two phase problems, in Visualization and Imaging in Transport Phenomena, Annals of New York Academy of Sciences, vol.972, pp.213-222, edts. S. Siedeman & A Landesberg, NY 2002.
  32. T.A. Kowalewski, R. Trzcinski, A. Cybulski, J. Pakleza, M.-C. Duluc, Experimental analysis of vapour bubble growing on a heated surface, in Transport Phenomena in Multiphase Systems Heat 2002, pp. 321-326, PK, Kielce 2002
  33. T.A. Kowalewski, St. Drobniak, A. Bogusławski, Współczesne wyzwania mechaniki płynów, w Nauki Techniczne u progu XX1 wieku, p. 133-154, Warszawa, IPPT PAN 2002.
  34. Telega J.J., Galka A., Tokarzewski S, Compact bone as a tissue with hierarchical microstructure, Acta Bioeng. Biomech., 4, Supplement 1, 2002, 419-420
  35. Tokarzewski S., Telega J.J., Galka A., Kowalczewski, Modelling of torsional and bending rigidities of long human bone, Acta Bioeng. Biomech., 4, Supplement 1, 2002, 149-150
  36. Tokarzewski S., Telega J.J., General inequalities for effective transport coefficient of two-phase media, w: Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering, Polish-Ukrainian Transactions, vol.I, ed. By W. Szczeniak, OWPW, Warszawa 2002, 471-480.
  37. Tokarzewski S., Telega J.J., Pindor M., Gilewicz, J., Basic inequalities for multi-point Pade approximants to Stjelties functions, Arch.Mech., 54, 2002, pp. 141-153
  38. Tokarzewski S., Galka A., Andrianov I. and Danishevsky V., Parametric inclusion regions for transport coefficients of two-phase media, w: Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering, Polish-Ukrainian Transactions, vol.I, ed. By W. Szczeniak, OWPW, Warszawa 2002, 465-470.
  39. Z. Banach, W. Larecki, Evolution of central moments for a general-relativistic Boltzmann equation: The closure by entropy maximization, Reviews in Mathematical Physics 14 (5): 469-510 2002
  40. Z. Peradzyński, T.A. Kowalewski, Mechanika Plynów, w 50 lat IPPT PAN, p. 71-78, Warszawa IPPT PAN 2002.
  41. Z. Walenta, Triple shock wave configurations in dense gases, 15th International Mach Reflection Symposium, RWTH Aachen, Sept. 15 - 19. 2002.
  42. Z. Walenta, A. Kucaba-Pietal, Z. Peradzynski, Symulacja przepływu Poiseuille'a metodą dynamiki molekularnej, XV Krajowa Konferencja Mechaniki Płynów, Augustów 23-26 09, s. 55+CD-ROM, 2002.


  1. A. Galka, B. Gambin, J.J. Telega, S. Tokarzewski, Macroscopic properties of compact bone and its hierarchical structure, Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, 5, 155-160, 2003.
  2. B. Cichocki, M.L. Ekiel-Jezewska, E. Wajnryb, Three-particle contributions to effective viscosity of hard-sphere suspensions, J. Chem. Phys., 119, 606-619, 2003
  3. B. Kazmierczak, V. Volpert, Existence of Heteroclinic Orbits for Systems Satisfying Monotonicity Conditions, Nonlinear Analysis TM&A, 55, 467-491, 2003
  4. B. Kazmierczak, V. Volpert, Existence of heteroclinic orbits for systems satisfying monotonicity conditions, Nonlinear Analysis Theory, Methods & Applications, 55, 467-491, 2003
  5. G. Starushenko, N. Krulik, B. Rogoza, S. Tokarzewski, Description of periodic processes by special smooth -linear argument transformation, Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering, Polish-Ukrainian Transactions, W. Szczesniak (Ed.), XI, 241 - 248, 2003, Warszawa 2003
  6. I. Andrianov, V.V. Danishevsky, S. Tokarzewski, Asymptotic simulation of imperfect interfacial bonding, w: Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering, Polish-Ukrainian Transactions, W. Szczesniak (Ed.), OWPW, XI, 19-26, 2003, Warszawa 2003
  7. I. Pieńkowska, Many-body Oseen hydrodynamic interactions, Physica A, 7825, 1-17, 2003
  8. J. Gilewicz, M. Pindor, J.J. Telega, S. Tokarzewski, A note on total bounds on complex transport moduli of parametric two-phase media, Z. angew. Math. Phys., 54, 713-726, 2003
  9. J. Gilewicz, M. Pindor, J.J. Telega, S. Tokarzewski, N-point Padé approximants and two sided estimates of errors on the real axis for Stieltjes functions, Othogonal Polynomials Special functions and Aplications, 1, 2003, Copenhagen 2003
  10. J. M. Amigo, J. Szczepański, Approximation of dynamical systems and their applications to cryptography, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 13 (7), 1937-1948, 2003
  11. J. M. Amigo, J. Szczepański, E. Wajnryb, M. V. Sanchez-Vives, On the number of states of the neuronal sources, BioSystems, 68 (1), 57-66, 2003
  12. J. Szczepański, J. M. Amigo, E. Wajnryb, M. V. Sanchez-Vives, Application of the Lempel-Ziv complexity to the analysis of neuronal discharges, Network: Computation in Neuronal Systems, 14, 335-350, 2003
  13. J. Szczepański, T. Michałek, Random fields approach to the study of DNA chains, Journal of Biological Physics, 29 (1), 39-54, 2003,
  14. J.J. Telega, S. Tokarzewski, B. Gambin, A. Gałka, Nonlinear composites with temperature- dependent conductivity coefficients of constituents, NATO Advanced Research Workshop, 421-423, 2003, Kazimierz 2003
  15. K. Makowski, Z. Peradzyński, S. Barral and M. Dudeck, Azimuthal plasma-beam instabilities in stationary plasma thrusters, 28th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Toulouse, France, IEPC 03-166, 2003
  16. K. Makowski, Z. Peradzyński, S. Barral, M., Dudeck, The azimuthal beam-plasma instabilities in Stationary Plasma Thrusters, 28-th International Electric Propulsion Conference, The Electric Propulsion Society.Worthington, OH, Compact disk, 2003, Tuluza, 16-19 marzec 2003
  17. S. Barral, K. Makowski, Z. Peradzyński, M. Dudeck, Is near-wall conductivity a misnomer? 39-th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, AIAA, AIAA 2003-4855, Compact disk, 2003, Huntsville, Alabama, USA, 20-23 July 2003,
  18. S. Barral, K. Makowski, Z. Peradzyński, M. Dudeck, An alternative theory of Transit-time oscillations in Hall thrusters, 28-th International Electric Propulsion Conference, The Electric Propulsion Society, Worthington, OH, IEPC 0335-0303, 2003, Tuluza, 16-19 marzec 2003
  19. S. Barral, K. Makowski, Z. Peradzyński, N. Gascon, M. Dudeck, Wall material effects in stationary plasma thrusters II. Near-wall conductivity theory, Phys. of Plasmas, 10, 4137-4152, 2003
  20. S. Barral, N. Gascon, M. Dudeck, Wall material effects in stationary plasma thrusters I. Parametric studies of an SPT-100, Phys. of Plasmas, 10, 4123-4136, 2003
  21. S. Barral, Numerical studies of Hall thrusters based on fluid equations for plasma, Ph.D. dissertation, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Warsaw, Poland, , 2003
  22. S. Barral, Z. Peradzyński, K. Makowski and M. Dudeck, An alternative theory of transit-time instabilities in Hall thrusters, 28th International Electric Propulsion Conference Toulouse, France, IEPC 03-335, 2003
  23. S. Tokarzewski, J.J. Telega, B. Gambin, A. Gałka, Constraints on anisotropic Sieltjes measure determining the effective transport coefficients of two-phase media, Theoretical Foundations of Civil Engineering, Polish-Ukrainian Transactions, W. Szczesniak (ed.), OWPW, XI, 651 - 658, 2003, Warszawa 2003
  24. S. Tokarzewski, J.J. Telega, B. Gambin, A. Gałka, Estimations of truncated Stieltjes series by multipoint inclusion regions, Othogonal Polynomials Special functions and Aplications, 1, 2003, Copenhagen 2003,
  25. T. Lipniacki, Shape-preserving solutions for quantum vortex motion under localized induction approximation, Physics of Fluids 15, 1381-1395, 2003
  26. T. Michalek, T.A Kowalewski, Simualtion of the water freezing process - numerical benchmarks, TASK Quarterly 7: 389-408, 2003.
  27. T. Michałek, T.A. Kowalewski, Experimental Model of Mould Filling Flow, Proceedings of Eurotherm 69, B. Saler & D. Gobin, 61 - 68, 2003, Lubljana, Slovenia 2003
  28. T.A. Kowalewski, A. Mosyak, G. Hetsroni, Tracking of coherent thermal structures on a heated wall. Part 2: DNS Simulation, Exp. in Fluids 34, pp. 390-396, 2003.
  29. T.A. Kowalewski, Experimental Methods for Quantitative Analysis of Solid-Liquid Phase Change Processes, Proceedings of Eurotherm 69, B. Saler & D. Gobin (Edt.), 20 - 21, 2003, Lubljana, Slovenia 2003
  30. Z. Banach, Symmetric hyperbolic form of central-moment relativistic gas dynamics with gravitation, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 20, 1443-1462, 2003
  31. Z. Peradzyński, J. Kurzyna, Chaotic Oscillations for Nonlinear Oscillator with with Time Delay, From Quanta to Societies Proc. 2nd European Interdisc. School on Nonlinear Dynamics for Systems and Signal Analysis - Euroatractor, W. Klonowski (ed.), Pabst Science Publishers - Lengerich, 271-285, 2003, Warszawa.19-28 June 2001
  32. Z. Peradzyński, M.L. da Silva, V. Lago, E. Bedjamin, A. Lebehot, S. Mazouffre, M. Dudeck, Z. Szymański, A. Chikaou, M. Boubert, Modeling of radiative plasma sorrounding a Space Probe entering Mars atmosphere, High TemperatureMaterial Processes, An Int. Jour, 7, 115-125, 2003
  33. Z. Peradzyński, S. Barral, K. Makowski and M. Dudeck, Solutions with shocks for fluid model of stationary plasma thrusters, 28th International Electric Propulsion Conference Toulouse, France, IEPC 03-167, 2003
  34. Z. Plochocki, On main approximations in the linear thory of thermodynamicity, Trans. CSME dle la SCGM, 27, 42-46, 2003 <


  1. A. Gambin, A. Galka, J.J. Telega and S. Tokarzewski, Influence of anisotropy induced by microcracks on effective elastic properties, w: W. Szczesniak (red.), Theoretical Fundations of Civil Engineering, 1, Polish-Ukrainian Transactions, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej, Warszawa 2004, pp 863-872.
  2. A. Kucaba-Piętal, Z.A. Walenta, Z. Peradzyński, Przepływy wody w nanokanałach, XVI Krajowa Konferencja Mechaniki Płynów, Waplewo 2004.
  3. A. Kucaba-Pietal, Z. Walenta, Z. Peradzynski, Size and wall effects in flows in nanochannels, Turbulence, vol. 10, pp. 77-81, 2004.
  4. A. Slowicka, Z.A. Walenta, Warunki dla powstawania warstewki cieczy na powierzchni styku dwóch innych, niemieszających się cieczy, XVI Krajowa Konferencja Mechaniki Płynów, Waplewo 2004.
  5. B. Cichocki, M.L. Ekiel-Jezewska, G. Naegele, E. Wajnryb, Hydrodynamic interactions between widely separated particles at a free surface, Europhysics Letters 67, 383- (2004)
  6. B. Cichocki, M.L. Ekiel-Jezewska, G. Naegele, E. Wajnryb, Motion of spheres along a fluid-gas interface, J. Chem. Phys. 121, 2305- (2004)
  7. B. Kazmierczak, S. Vakulenko, S. Genieys, Pattern Formation Capacity of Spatially Extended Systems, Physical Review, E 69, 016215, (2004),
  8. B. Kazmierczak, K. Piechór, Heteroclinic solutions for a model of skin morphogenesis. The case of strong attachment of the epidermis to the basal lamina. Proceedings of the Tenth National Conference on Application of Mathematics in Biology and Medicine. Swięty Krzyż, 22 - 25 . 09. 2004, 85 - 90.
  9. B. Kazmierczak, K. Piechór, Some heteroclinic solutions of a model of skin pattern formation, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2004; 27; 1317 - 1345
  10. H. J. Antunez, M. Kowalczyk, Combined shape and none-shape sensitivity for optimal design of metal forming options, Comp. Ass. Mech. and Eng. Scs., vol. 11, pp. 99-118, 2004
  11. I. Pieńkowska, Many body Oseen hydrodynamic interactions, Physica A vol. 333, p. 17-33, 2004.
  12. I. Sielamowicz, T.A. Kowalewski, S. Błoński, Application of optical technique DIPV on the investigation of granular material behaviour in bins/hoppers, International Workshop Characterization of Granular Agro-materials and Food Powders, Institute of Agrophysics, PAN, Lublin, 29 - 30.9. 2004
  13. I. Sielamowicz, T.A. Kowalewski, DPIV technique in modeling granular material flows in a model of silo made of Plexiglas, Int. Congress for Particle Technology, Partec 2004, Nurnberg, Germany, 16-18 March, 2004.
  14. J. Kurzyna, K. Makowski, Z. Peradzyński, L. Albarede, S. Mazouffre and M. Dudeck, Empirical Mode Decomposition in Application to Analysis of the Oscillations in a Hall Effect Thruster. The 2nd German-Polish Conference on Plasma Diagnostics for Fusion and Applications, Cracow, Poland, September 8-10, 2004
  15. J. M. Amigo, J. Szczepanski, E. Wajnryb, M. V. Sanchez-Vives, Estimating the Entropy Rate of Spike Trains via Lempel-Ziv Complexity, Neural Computation, 16/4, pp. 717 - 736, (2004)
  16. J. Szczepanski, E. Wajnryb, J. M. Amigo, M. V. Sanchez-Vives, M. Slater, Biometric Random Number Generators, Computers & Security, 23/1, pp. 77-84, (2004)
  17. J. Szczepanski, J. M. Amigo, E. Wajnryb, M. V. Sanchez-Vives, Characterizing Spike Trains with Lempel-Ziv Complexity, NeuroComputing, 58-60 (2004) pp. 79-84
  18. J.J. Telega, B. Gambin, A. Gałka and S. Tokarzewski, Exact internal controllability of perforated linear elestic solid, w: W. Szczesniak (red.), Theoretical Fundations of Civil Engineering, t 1, Polish-Ukrainian Transactions, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej, Warszawa 2004, pp 883-890.
  19. L. Kocarev, J. Szczepanski, Finite-space Lyapunov exponents and pseudochaos, Physical Review Letters, 93, 234101, 2004
  20. M. Rebow, K. Dekajło, J. Banaszek, Experimental investigation of impact solutal concentration on the evoluation of the double-diffusive convection during solidification of NH4Cl - H2O in diferentially heated cavity, Symposium Wymiany Ciepła I Masy, CD-ROM Proceedings, AGH Krakow 2004
  21. P. Korczyk, Sz. Malinowski, T.A. Kowalewski, Particle image velocimetry of cloud droplets in the process of turbulent mixing, w 14th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation. Proceedings - Volume 1, 570-572, Bologna, Italy, 2004.
  22. S. Barral and S. Mazouffre, Les interactions des parois avec les céramiques, Lettre des Sciences pour l'Ingénieur du CNRS, numéro Propulsion a Plasma 26, 2004
  23. S. Barral, K. Makowski, Z. Peradzyński, M. Dudeck, Longitudinal oscillations in Hall thrusters Proceedings of 4-th International Spacecraft Propulsion Conference SP-555, (ESA Publication Division, Noordvijk), Sardinia, June 2004.
  24. S. Tokarzewski, J.J. Telega, B. Gambin and A. Gałka, Linear fractional transformation as a tool for generating bounds on macroscopically isotropic two-phase media, w: W. Szczesniak (red.), Theoretical Fundations of Civil Engineering, t 1, Polish-Ukrainian Transactions, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej, Warszawa 2004, pp 891-900.
  25. Sielamowicz I., Kowalewski T.A., Błoński S., Application of optical technique DIPV on the investigation of granular material behaviour in bins/hoppers, International Workshop Characterization of Granular Agro-materials and Food Powders, Institute of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Lublin, 29 - 30 September 2004.
  26. Sielamowicz I., Kowalewski T.A., Błoński S., Optical Technique DPIV used in registration of granular material behaviour in bins/hoppers with central and eccentric filling and discharge, II Konferencja Naukowa: Inżynierskie i Przestrzenne Aspekty Kształtowania Obszarów Niezurbanizowanych, SGGW, Warszawa, 16 - 18 wrzesień 2004.
  27. Sielamowicz, I., Kowalewski, T.A., DPIV technique in modeling granular material flows in a model of silo made of Plexiglas, Int. Congress for Particle Technology, Partec 2004, Nurnberg, Germany, 16-18 March, 2004.
  28. Sz. Malinowski, P. Korczyk, T.A. Kowalewski, Mixing of cloud and clear air in centimeter scales observed in laboratory by means of particle image Velocimetry, w 14th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation. Proceedings - Volume 3, 1707-1710, Bologna, Italy, 2004.
  29. T. Lipniacki, , Two scale approach to superfluid turbulence in He II Proceedings of the Euromech 10th European Turbulence Conference, ETC10, Cimne, Barcelona, 139-142 (2004).
  30. T.A. Kowalewski, Experimental Methods for Quantitative Analysis of Thermally Driven Flows in Phase Change with Convection, eds. T. Kowalewski, D. Gobin, CISM Course Lecture Notes, vol.449, pp. 167-215, Springer 2004
  31. T.A. Kowalewski, Fluids in Motion, Academia, p.32-34, 2004
  32. T.A. Kowalewski, J. Pakleza, R. Trzcinski, A. Zachara, Experimental analysis of vapour bubble growth on heated surface, Archives of Theromdynamics, 25, pp. 1-12, 2004
  33. Z. Banach, W. Larecki, Nine-moment phonon hydrodynamics based on the modified Grad-type approach: hyperbolicity of the one-dimensional flow, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 37, 11053-11072, 2004
  34. Z.A. Walenta, A. Teodorczyk, W. Witkowski, Bezposrednia symulacja Monte-Carlo, zjawiska detonacji w gazach, XVI Krajowa Konferencja Mechaniki Płynów, Waplewo 2004.
  35. Z.A. Walenta, A. Teodorczyk, W. Witkowski, Direct Monte - Carlo simulation of detonation process in a gas, Materiały 7-mego Międzynarodowego Seminarium New Trends in Research of Energetic Materials, Pardubice, 2004.
  36. Z.A. Walenta, A. Teodorczyk, W. Witkowski, Zastosowanie metody Monte - Carlo do symulacji przepływu fali detonacyjnej w gazie, w wąskim kanale, I Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa IPO 2004 - Materiały Wybuchowe - Badania - zastosowanie - bezpieczeństwo . Ustroń Jaszowiec, czerwiec 2004.
  37. Z. A. Walenta, A. Teodorczyk, A. Dabkowski, W. Witkowski, Direct Monte Carlo simulation of a detonation wave in a narrow channel, containing flammable gas, Central European Journal of Energetic Materials, vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 51-61, 2004.


  1. A. Kucaba-Piętal, Z. Walenta, Z. Peradzyński, Wall and size effect on water flows in nanochannels, 472 kolokwium Euromech: Microfluidics and Transfer, 2005, Grenoble, Francja
  2. A. Slowicka, Z. Walenta, Conditions for creating thin liquid layers at the contact surface of thwo liquids, Mechanics of 21st Century, ICTAM2004 CD-ROM, edts. W. Gutkowski, T.A. Kowalewski, Springer Verlg. 2005.
  3. A. Slowicka, Z. Walenta, Creating thin liquid layers at the contact surface of two other liquids . 472 kolokwium Euromech: Microfluidics and Transfer, 2005, Grenoble, Francja.
  4. B. Cichocki, M.L. Ekiel-Jezewska, G. Naegele, E. Wajnryb, Particles Located on a Planar Free-Surface - Hydrodynamic Interactions in Quasi-Two-Dimensional System, in: Mechanics of 21st Century, ICTAM2004 CD-ROM, edts. W. Gutkowski, T.A. Kowalewski, Springer Verlg. 2005.
  5. B. Gambin, A. Gałka, J.J. Telega, S. Tokarzewski, Influence of anisotropy induced by microcracks on effective elastic properties, Eng. Trans. 2005, 53/4, 409-420.
  6. B. Kazmierczak, Fale biegnace w osrodkach z dyfuzja, Pismo PTM - Matematyka Stosowana. Matematyka dla Społeczeństwa, 6 (47), 29 -47, 2005.
  7. B. Kazmierczak, S.Vakulenko, Pattern Formation Capacity of Spatially Extended Systems, in Mechanics of 21st Century, ICTAM2004 CD-ROM, edts. W. Gutkowski, T.A. Kowalewski, Springer Verlg. 2005.
  8. B. Kazmierczak, V.Volpert, M. Belk, Existence of reaction-diffusion-convection waves in unbounded cylinders, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 2, 169-194, 2005.
  9. Blawzdziewicz J, Wajnryb E, Phase equilibria in stratified thin liquid films stabilized by colloidal particles, Europhys Lett 71 (2): 269-275, 2005
  10. Blawzdziewicz J., Wajnryb E., Given J.A., .Hubbard J.B., Sharp scalar and tensor bounds on the hydrodynamic friction and mobility of arbitrarily shaped bodies in Stokes flow, Physics of Fluids 17, (3-16): art. no. 033602, 2005
  11. Blawzdziewicz, E. Wajnryb, High-frequency Linear Viscosity of Emulsions Composed of Two Viscoelastic Fluids, Mechanics of 21st Century, ICTAM2004 CD-ROM, edts. W. Gutkowski, T.A. Kowalewski, Springer Verlg. 2005.
  12. E. Fornalik, W. Leiner, J. S. Szmyd, T. A. Kowalewski, H. Ozoe, Visualization of the Flow Structure and Temperature Field in the Region of Mixed Convection, in Mechanics of 21st Century, ICTAM2004 CD-ROM, edts. W. Gutkowski, T.A. Kowalewski, Springer Verlg. 2005.
  13. I. Pieńkowska, Many - Sphere Hydrodynamic Interactions: Weak Convective Inertia Effects, in Mechanics of 21st Century, ICTAM2004 CD-ROM, edts. W. Gutkowski, T.A. Kowalewski, Springer Verlg. 2005.
  14. I. Sielamowicz, S. Błoński, Particle Image Velocimetry Analysis of Granular Material Flows, Mechanics of 21st Century, ICTAM2004 CD-ROM, edts. W. Gutkowski, T.A. Kowalewski, Springer Verlg. 2005.
  15. I. Sielamowicz, T. A. Kowalewski, Technika DPIV w pomiarach przepływu ziaren w modelu silosu wykonanego z plexiglasu, 51 Konferencja Naukowa Komitetu Inżynierii Lądowej i Wodnej PAN i Komitetu Nauki PZITB. T.2: p.105-112, Politechnika Gdańska 2005
  16. I. Sielamowicz, T.A. Kowalewski, S. Błonski, Optical technique DPIV in measurements of granular material flows, Part 1/3 - plane hoppers, Chem. Eng. Sci., 60, pp. 589-598, 2005
  17. I. Sielamowicz, T.A. Kowalewski, S.Błoński Application of digital particle image velocimetry in registrations of central and eccentric granular material flows, 5th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media : Powders and Grains: Proceedings. Vol. 2, S.903-907, Stuttgart 2005
  18. J. Czerwinska, N.A. Adams, "Simulations of micro-and nano- channel flows by a dissipative particle dynamics method", Mechanics of 21st Century, ICTAM2004 CD-ROM, edts. W. Gutkowski, T.A. Kowalewski, Springer Verlg. 2005.
  19. J. Gilewicz, M. Pindor, J.J. Telega, S. Tokarzewski, N-point Padé approximants and two sided estimates of errors on the real axis for Stieltjes functions, J. Comp. Appl. Math., 2005, 178, 247-253
  20. J. Kurzyna, S. Mazouffre, A. Lazurenko, L. Albarede, G. Bonhomme, K. Makowski, M. Dudeck - M. Dudeck, Z. Peradzyński, Spectral analysis of Hall effect thruster plasma oscillations based on the empirical mode decomposition, Physics of Plasmas, 2005, 12, 123506-1 - 123506-13,
  21. J. M. Amigo, J. Szczepański, L. Kocarev, A Chaos-Based Approach to the Design of Cryptographically Secure Substitutions, Physics Letters A, 2005, 343, 55-60
  22. J. Szczepański, J.M. Amigo, T. Michalek, L. Kocarev, Cryptographically secure substitutions based on the approximation of mixing maps, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, Regular Papers, 2005, 52 (2), 443-453
  23. K. Dekajlo, T. A. Kowalewski, H. J. S. Fernando, Experiments on Up - slope to Down - slope Transition in an Inclined Box Filled with Water, w Mechanics of 21st Century, ICTAM2004 CD-ROM, edts. W. Gutkowski, T.A. Kowalewski, Springer Verlg. 2005.
  24. K. Dekajło, T.A. Kowalewski, Experimental and numerical investigation of natural convection in rectangular inclined enclosure, w Numerical Heat Transfer 2005, Eurotherm 82, p. 953 - 962, Sept. 13-16, 2005, Krakow, Polit. Gliwicka 2005.
  25. K. Piechór, B. Kazmierczak, Travelling waves in a model of skin pattern formation, Mechanics of 21st Century, ICTAM2004 CD-ROM, edts. W. Gutkowski, T.A. Kowalewski, Springer Verlg. 2005.
  26. K. Piechór, On the hydrodynamic limit of the Enskog Equation with weak square-well potential, Proceedings of the International Conference: New Trends in Continuum Mechanics, Theta Foundation, Bukareszt, 2005, str. 217 - 224.
  27. L. Kocarev, J. M. Amigó, J. Szczepański, Chaos-based Cryptography: An Overview, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications NOLTA 2005, Bruges, Belgium, str. 18-J. M. Amigó, J. Szczepański, L. Kocarev, Discrete Chaos and Cryptography, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications NOLTA 2005, Bruges, Belgium, str. 18-21
  28. Le Han Tan, E. Leonardi, T. J. Barber, S. S. Leong, T. A. Kowalewski, Experimental and Numerical Study of Marangoni - Natural Convection, w Mechanics of 21st Century, ICTAM2004 CD-ROM, edts. W. Gutkowski, T.A. Kowalewski, Springer Verlg. 2005.
  29. M. A. Gonik, J. A. Szymczyk, T. A. Kowalewski, AHP Setup for Low Laminar Melt Flow Study in Crystal Growth, w Mechanics of 21st Century, ICTAM2004 CD-ROM, edts. W. Gutkowski, T.A. Kowalewski, Springer Verlg. 2005.
  30. M. Alber, H.G.E. Hentschel, B. Kazmierczak, S. Newman, Existence of solutions to a new model of biological pattern formation, Journal. of Math. Analysis. and Applications, Volume 308, Issue 1, 2005, Pages 175-194.
  31. M. Alber, R. Chaturvedi, C. Huang, T. Schneider, J. Izaguirre, T. Glimm, G. Hentschel, J. Glazier, B. Kazmierczak, S. Newman, On Multiscale Approaches to 3-Dimensional Modeling of Morphogenesis, J. R. Soc. Interface 2, 237-253, 2005
  32. M. Alber, T. Glimm, H.G.E. Hentschel, B. Kazmierczak, S. Newman, Stability of an n-Dimensional Patterns in a Generalized Turing system: Implications for a Biological Patterns Formation, Nonlinearity 18 (2005), 125-138.
  33. M. Kowalczyk, T.A. Kowalewski, T. Michalek, A. Cybulski, Selected laboratory benchmarks for validating numerical simulation of casting problems, w Numerical Heat Transfer 2005, Eurotherm 82, p. 589-598, Sept. 13-16, 2005, Krakow, Polit. Gliwicka 2005.
  34. M.L. Ekiel-Jezewska, E. Wajnryb, Relaxation time for sedimenting spheres of a suspension with periodic boundary conditions, Mechanics of 21st Century, ICTAM2004 CD-ROM, edts. W. Gutkowski, T.A. Kowalewski, Springer Verlg. 2005.
  35. M.L. Ekiel-Jezewska, B.U. Felderhof, Periodic sedimentation of three particles in periodic boundary conditions, Phys. Fluids 17, 0931021 - 0931029, 2005
  36. P. M. Korczyk, S. P. Malinowski, T. A. Kowalewski, Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) for Cloud Droplets - Laboratory Investigations, w Mechanics of 21st Century, ICTAM2004 CD-ROM, edts. W. Gutkowski, T.A. Kowalewski, Springer Verlg. 2005.
  37. P. Paszek, T. Lipniacki, A. R. Brasier, Bing Tian, D. E. Nowak, M. Kimmel, Stochastic effects of multiple regulators on expression profiles in Eukaryotes, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2005, 233, 423-433
  38. S. Barral, K. Makowski, Z. Peradzyński, M. Dudeck, Transit time instability in Hall Thruster, Physics of Plasmas. 2005. 12, 073504-1 - 073504-9
  39. S. Barral, V. Lapuerta, A. Sancho, E. Ahedo, Numerical investigation of low-frequency longitudinal oscillations in Hall thrusters, , paper IEPC-2005-120, 29th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Princeton, Oct. 31 - Nov. 4 2005, 14str.
  40. S. Barral, Y. Jayet, E. Veron, S. Mazouffre, M. Dudeck, P. Echegut, Hall effect thruster with an AlN discharge channel, paper IEPC-2005-152, 29th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Princeton, Oct. 31 - Nov. 4 2005, 7str.
  41. S. Barral, Z. Peradzyński, K. Makowski, M. Dudeck, Model gas flow inside plasma thruster Mechanics of 21st Century, ICTAM2004 CD-ROM, edts. W. Gutkowski, T.A. Kowalewski, Springer Verlg. 2005.
  42. S. Bhattacharya, J.Blawzdziewicz, E. Wajnryb, Hydrodynamic interactions of spherical particles in suspension confined between two planar walls, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2005, 541, 263-292
  43. S. Bhattacharya, J.Blawzdziewicz, E. Wajnryb, Many-particle hydrodynamic interactions in parallel-wall geometry: Cartesian-representation method, Physica A 2005, 356 (2-4), 294-340
  44. S. Blonski, A. Blasinska, T. A. Kowalewski, Electrospinning of Liquid Jets, w Mechanics of 21st Century, ICTAM2004 CD-ROM, edts. W. Gutkowski, T.A. Kowalewski, Springer Verlg. 2005
  45. S. Tokarzewski, Continued fraction approach to the bounds on the effective transport coefficients of two phase media - praca habilitacyjna, Prace IPPT PAN 2005, 4/2005
  46. T. Lipniacki, Two scale approach to anisotropic turbulence in He II, in Mechanics of 21st Century, ICTAM2004 CD-ROM, edts. W. Gutkowski, T.A. Kowalewski, Springer Verlg. 2005.
  47. T. Lipniacki, P. Paszek, A. Brasier, M. Kimmel, Stochastic regulation in eukaryotic gene expression Proceeding of X National Conference of Applications of Mathematics in Biology and Medicine, 125-130 (2005).
  48. T. Michalek, T. A. Kowalewski, B. Sarler, Natural Convection for Anomalous Density Variation of Water - Numerical Benchmark, w Mechanics of 21st Century, ICTAM2004 CD-ROM, edts. W. Gutkowski, T.A. Kowalewski, Springer Verlg. 2005.
  49. T. Michalek, T.A. Kowalewski, B. Saler, Natural Convection for Anomalous Density Variation of Water - Numerical Benchmark, Progress In Computational Fluid Dynamics, 5, pp. 158 - 170, 2005
  50. T.A. Kowalewski, A. Cybulski, T. Michalek, M. Kowalczyk, Laboratoryjne wzorce do walidacji programów odlewniczych, Prace IPPT 1/2005, 107str, Warszawa 2005
  51. T.A. Kowalewski, T. Michałek, Numerical Benchmark based on natural convection of freezing water, w Proc. of 4th International Conference on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer, Paris-Cachan, p. 7-11, 2005.
  52. T.A. Kowalewski, S. Błoński, S. Barral, Experiments and modelling of electrospinning process, Bull. Pol. Acad. Scs., 53/4, pp.385-394, 2005
  53. W. Cudny, R. Drelich, I. Rojek, W. Sosnowski, J. Szczepański, W. Urbaniak, G. Zych, P. Zmudziński Wstęp do Informatyki, 2005, Bydgoszcz
  54. Z. Banach, W. Larecki, Nine-moment phonon hydrodynamics based on the maximum entropy closure: one dimensional flow, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 2005, 38, 8781 - 8802
  55. Z. Peradzyński and J. Kurzyna, Nonlinear oscillators with time delays, in Mechanics of 21st Century, ICTAM2004 CD-ROM, edts. W. Gutkowski, T.A. Kowalewski, Springer Verlg. 2005.
  56. Z. Peradzyński, B. Kazmierczak, On mechanochemical Calcium waves, Archive of Applied Mechanics 74, 827-833, 2005
  57. Z. Walenta, A. Słowicka, Heat exchange between solid walls of a nanochannel and a liquid flowing inside, 472 kolokwium Euromech: Microfluidics and Transfer, 2005, Grenoble, Francja
  58. Z. Walenta, A. Teodorczyk, W. Witkowski, Simple model of a detonation gas for use with the Direct Monte-Carlo simulation technique, Mechanics of 21st Century, ICTAM2004 CD-ROM, edts. W. Gutkowski, T.A. Kowalewski, Springer Verlg. 2005.
  59. Zachara, J. Pakleza, S. Blonski, R. Trzcinski, T.A. Kowalewski, Thermodynamic Parameters of Vapour Bubble Growth by Image Analysis, w Mechanics of 21st Century, ICTAM2004 CD-ROM, edts. W. Gutkowski, T.A. Kowalewski, Springer Verlg. 2005.


  1. A. Slowicka, Z. Walenta, Creating thin layers at the contact surface of two nonmixing liquids, CD-ROM Proc. 2nd Intern. Conf. on Transp. Phenom. in Micro and Nanodevices, 11-15 June 2006, Barga, Italy.
  2. A. Słowicka, Z. Walenta, Powstawanie nanostruktur w emulsjach, Systems, vol. 11, 255-267
  3. B. Kazmierczak, Existence of solutions in a new model of chondrogenesis during a vertebrate limb formation, World Conference on Differential Equations and Applications, Marrakesh 2006
  4. I. Sielamowicz, T. A. Kowalewski, DPIV technique in measurements of eccentric granular material flows in plane hoppers, CD-ROM Proceedings of 5th Int. Conference on Particulate Handling of Solids, Sorrento 27-31 August, 2006
  5. I. Sielamowicz, T.A. Kowalewski, Digital Particle Image Velocimetry (DPIV) technique in measurements of granular material flows, Part 2 of 3 - converging hoppers, Chem. Eng. Scs. 61, 5307-5317, 2006.
  6. I. Sielamowicz, T.A. Kowalewski, DPIV technique for granular material flows in silo models, in 12th Int. Symposium on Flow Visualization, CD ROM Proceedings, ISBN 0-9533991-8-4, pp. 164.1-10, Goettingen, Optimage Ltd 2006.
  7. I. Sielamowicz, T.A. Kowalewski, Experimental investigations of central and eccentric granular material flows registered by DPIV technique, in Proc. Adv. in Geomaterials and Structures AGS'06, 3-5 May, 2006, Hammamet (Tunisia), p.185-191.
  8. J Szczepanski, MM Arnold, E Wajnryb, MV Sanchez-Vives, Mutual Information and Redundancy in Cortical Spike Trains During the Awake States, 15th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting CNS*2006, Edinburgh, Szkocja, July 16-20, 2006
  9. J. Kurzyna, K. Makowski, A. Lazurenko, S. Mazouffre, L. Albarede, M. Dudeck, G. Bonhomme and Z. Peradzyński, (2006) Search for Frequency content of Hall effect thruster HF electrostatic wave with the Hilber-Huang method, Plasma 2005 International Conference on Research and Applications of Plasmas + 3rd German-Polish Conference on Plasma Diagnostics for Fusion and Applications + 5th French-PolishSeminar on Thermal Plasma in Space and Laboratory, Opole-Turawa, Poland, 6-9 September 2005, AIP Conference proceedings, v. 812, Melville, New York, 2006, editors: M. Sadowski at al. pp.411-414
  10. J. M. Amigo, L. Kocarev, J. Szczepanski, Order patterns and chaos, Physics Letters A, 355 (1): 27-31 (2006), Elsevier Science Publishers.
  11. K. Makowski, Z. Peradzyński, J. Kurzyna, S. Barral, and M. Dudeck, (2006) High frequency oscillations in 2-D fluid model of Hall effect thrusters, Plasma 2005 International in Conference on Research and Applications of Plasmas + 3rd German-Polish Conference on Plasma Diagnostics for Fusion and Applications + 5th French-PolishSeminar on Thermal Plasma in Space and Laboratory, Opole-Turawa, Poland, 6-9 September 2005, AIP Conference proceedings, v. 812, Melville, New York, 2006, editors: M. Sadowski at al. pp.477-480
  12. K. Makowski, Z. Peradzyński, J. Kurzyna, S. Barral, M. Dudeck, High frequency oscillations in 2-D fluid model of Hall effect thruster, American Institute of Physics Proceedings of the International Conference on Research and Applications of Plasmas 2005, Opole, Poland, 477, 2006
  13. L. Kocarev, J. Szczepanski, J. M. Amigo, I. Tomovski, Discrete Chaos - Part I: Theory, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications - Regular papers, 53 (6): 1300-1309 (2006), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. USA.
  14. M.L. Ekiel-Jezewska and E. Wajnryb, Accuracy of the multipole expansion applied to a sphere in a creeping flow parallel to a wall, Q. J. Mech. Appl. Math 59, 563-585 , 2006
  15. M.L. Ekiel-Jezewska and E. Wajnryb, Equilibria for the relative motion of three spheres In Stokes fluid flow, Phys. Rev. E 73, 046309 (2006)
  16. M.L. Ekiel-Jezewska and E. Wajnryb, Three-particle motion under gravity in Stokes flow: an equilibrium for spheres in contrast to an end-of-world' for point particles, Arch. Mech. 58, 489-494 (2006).
  17. M.L. Ekiel-Jezewska, B. Metzger, E. Guazzelli, Spherical cloud of point particles falling in a viscous fluid, Phys. Fluids 18, 038104 (2006).
  18. M.L. Ekiel-Jezewska, B. U. Felderhof, Clusters of particles falling in a viscous fluid with periodic boundary conditions, Phys. Fluids 18, 121502, 2006.
  19. P. Korczyk, S.P. Malinowski, T.A. Kowalewski, Mixing of cloud and clear air in centimeter scales observed in laboratory by means of Particle Image Velocimetry, Atmospheric Res. 82, pp. 173-182, 2006
  20. P. Korczyk, T.A. Kowalewski, S. Malinowski, Investigations of turbulence statistics in the laboratory model of an atmospheric cloud, in 12th Int. Symposium on Flow Visualization, CD ROM Proceedings, ISBN 0-9533991-8-4, pp. 134.1-10, Goettingen, Optimage Ltd 2006.
  21. S. Barral, E. Ahedo, Theoretical study of the breathing mode in Hall thrusters, In 42nd AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Sacramento (CA), USA, AIAA 2006-5172, 2006
  22. S. Bhattacharya, J. Bławzdziewicz, E. Wajnryb, Far-field approximation for hydrodynamic interactions in parallel-wall geometry, Journal of Computational Physics 212 (2006) 718-738
  23. S. Bhattacharya, J. Bławzdziewicz, E. Wajnryb, Hydrodynamic interactions of spherical particles in Poiseuille flow between two parallel walls, Physics of Fluids 18, 053301, 2006
  24. S.P. Malinowski, M. Andrejczuk, W. W. Grabowski, P. Korczyk, T.A. Kowalewski, P.K. Smolarkiewicz, Cloud-clear air interfacial mixing: anisotropy of turbulence generated by evaporation of liquid water. Laboratory observations and numerical modeling, in Proc. 12th Conf. Cloud Physics, July 9-14, 2006, Madison (USA).
  25. T. Lipniacki, Dynamics of superfluid He: Two-scale approach, European Journal of Mechanics, B/Fluids, 25: 435-458 (2006).
  26. T. Lipniacki, P. Paszek, A. Marciniak-Czochra, A. R. Brasier, M. Kimmel, Transcriptional stochasticity in gene expression, J. Theor. Biol. 238: 348-367 (2006).
  27. T. Lipniacki, P. Paszek, A. R. Brasier, B. Luxon, M. Kimmel, Stochasticity in early immune response, Biophysical Journal 90: 725-742 (2006).
  28. T.A. Kowalewski and Piotr M. Korczyk, Turbulent flow in a micro-channel, Fourth International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels, Limerick, Ireland, CD-ROM Proceedings ISBN 0-7918-3778-5, 96090, pp. 1-8, 2006.
  29. Z. Peradzyński, S. Barral, J. Kurzyna, K. Makowski, and M. Dudeck, (2006) Chaotic waves in Hall thruster plasma, Plasma 2005 International in Conference on Research and Applications of Plasmas + 3rd German-Polish Conference on Plasma Diagnostics for Fusion and Applications + 5th French-PolishSeminar on Thermal Plasma in Space and Laboratory, Opole-Turawa, Poland, 6-9 September 2005, AIP Conference proceedings, v. 812, Melville, New York, 2006, editors: M. Sadowski at al. pp.173-176
  30. Z. Walenta, A. Slowicka, Simulation of cooling the walls of a nanochannel by fluid flowing inside, CD-ROM Proc. 2nd Intern. Conf. on Transp. Phenom. in Micro and Nanodevices, 11-15 June 2006, Barga, Italy.
  31. Z. Walenta, T. Wolszakiewicz, Numerical description of effects in gas generator, 9-te Międzynarodowe Seminarium New Trends in Research of Energetic Materials, Pardubice, kwiecień 2006.
  32. Z. Walenta, T. Wolszakiewicz, Zastosowanie metody Monte - Carlo do symulacji początkowej fazy pracy gazogeneratora prochowego, VI Międzynarodowa Konferencja Uzbrojeniowa, Waplewo, 2006.
  33. Z. Walenta, T. Wolszakiewicz, Zastosowanie metody symulacji Monte - Carlo w obliczeniach pracy gazogeneratora, III Miedzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa IPO - Materiały Wybuchowe - Badania - Zastosowanie - Bezpieczeństwo, Ustroń Jaszowiec, 16 - 18 czerwca 2006.


  1. S. Barral Theoretical analysis of the influence of the power supply on breathing oscillations in Hall thrusters In 30th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Florence, Italy, IEPC 07-261 (2007)
  2. Z. Banach, A symmetric hyperbolic formulation of the general relativistic moment equations for matter and radiation, Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations (JHDE) 4, pp.65-104, 2007.
  3. Z. Banach, On the general relativistic symmetric hyperbolic moment system for matter and radiation: local rotational symmetry, Class. Quantum Grav. 24, pp. 4079-4106, 2007.
  4. S. Blonski, P. M. Korczyk, T. A. Kowalewski, Analysis of turbulence in a micro-channel emulsifier, Int. J. Thermal Scs 46, pp. 1123 - 1141, 2007.
  5. T.A. Kowalewski, Thermochromic Liquid Crystals, chap. B 7.1 in Springer Handbook of Experimental Fluid Mechanics, C. Tropea, A.L. Yarin, J.F. Foss (Eds.), 487-499, Springer 2007
  6. M. Zurita-Gotor, J. Blawzdziewicz, E. Wajnryb, Swapping trajectories: a new wall-induced cross-streamline particle migration mechanism in a dilute suspension of spheres, J. Fluid Mech. 592, 447-469, 2007.
  7. M. Zurita-Gotora, J. Blawzdziewicz, E. Wajnryb, Motion of a rod-like particle between parallel walls with application to suspension rheology, J. Rheol. 51, 71-97 (2007).
  8. B. Cichocki, M. L. Ekiel-Jezewska and E. Wajnryb, Hydrodynamic interactions between spheres in a viscous fluid with a flat free surface or hard wall, J. Chem. Phys., 126, 184704 (2007).
  9. M. T. Dudynski, M. L. Ekiel-Jezewska, The relativistic Boltzmann equation - mathematical and physical aspects, J. Tech. Phys. 48, 39 - 47, 2007.
  10. K. Fujarewicz, M. Kimmel, T. Lipniacki A. ¦wierniak, Adjoint systems for models of cell signalling pathways and their application to parameter fitting, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 4, 322 - 335, 2007
  11. B. Hat, P. Paszek, M. Kimmel, K. Piechór, T. Lipniacki, How the number of alleles influences gene expression, J. Stat. Phys. 128, pp. 511-533, 2007.
  12. A. Bobrowski, T. Lipniacki, K. Pichór, R. Rudnicki, Asymptotic behavior of distributions of mRNA and protein levels in a model of stochastic gene expression, Mathematical Analysis and Applications 333, pp. 753 - 769 2007
  13. T. Lipniacki, M. Kimmel, Deterministic and stochastic models of NF-kB pathway, Cardiovascular Toxicology 7 pp. 215-234, 2007. pdf
  14. T. Lipniacki, K. Puszynski, P. Paszek, A. R. Brasier, M. Kimmel, Single TNFalpha trimers mediating NF-kappaB activation: Stochastic robustness of NF-kappaB signaling, BMC Bioinformatics 8: 376 (2007)
  15. Figurska M., Stańczyk M., Kulesza K., Humans cannot consciously generate random numbers sequences: polemic study. Medical Hypotheses 70, p.182-185, 2008
  16. Figurska M. Compact bone structure. Russian Journal of Biomechanics - submitted
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  18. J.M. Amigo, L. Kocarev, J. Szczepanski, Theory and Practice of Chaotic Cryptography, Physics Letters A 366 (3): 211-216 (2007).
  19. J. M. Amigo, L. Kocarev, J. Szczepanski, Discrete Lyapunov exponent and resistance to differential cryptanalysis, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, 54 (10): 882-886 (2007).
  20. J. Czerwinska, Self-diffusion effects in micro scale liquids. Numerical study by a dissipative particle dynamics method, Bull. of Pol. Acad. of Scs. Tech. Scs. Vol. 55, No. 2, pp. 159-172, 2007
  21. A. Slowicka, Z. Walenta, Creating thin layers at the contact surface of two nonmixing liquids, Bull. Pol. Acad. Scs. Tech. Scs. vol. 55, no. 2, pp. 173-178, 2007
  22. I. Sielamowicz, T.A. Kowalewski, Eccentric flows registered by DPIV in a model od silo in IUTAM Symposium on Multiscale problems in Multobody System Contacts, edt. P. Eberhard, pp. 281-290, Springer 2007.
  23. S. Blonski, T.A. Kowalewski, PIV analysis of turbulent flow in a micro-channel, JTAM vol. 45 no.3,pp. 489-503, 2007
  24. S. Jebauer, J. Czerwinska, Implementation of Velocity Slip and Temperature Jump Boundary Conditions for Microfluidic Devices, IFTR Reports 5/2007, 56 pages, IPPT PAN, Warszawa 2007
  25. Newman SA,Christley S, Glimm T, Hentschel HG, Kazmierczak B, Zhang YT, Zhu J, Alber M., Multiscale models for vertebrate limb development, Curr. Top. Dev. Biol. 81, pp.311-340, 2007
  26. Alber M, Glimm T, Hentschel HG, Kazmierczak B, Zhang YT, Zhu J, Newman SA., The Morphostatic Limit for a Model of Skeletal Pattern Formation in the Vertebrate Limb, Bull Math Biol. 69, 2007.
  27. Kazmierczak B. Volpert V., Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena Travelling waves in partially degenerated reaction-diffusion systems 2, No 2, 2007. 
  28. B. Kazmierczak, V. Volpert, Calcium waves in systems with imobile buffers as a limit of waves for systems with nonzero diffusion, Nonlinearity 21, pp. 71-98, 2007


  1. R. Nagarajan, J. Szczepanski, E. Wajnryb, Interpreting non-random signatures in biomedical signals using Lempel-Ziv complexity, Physica D, 237 (3): 359-364, 2008.
  2. J.M. Amigo, L. Kocarev, J. Szczepanski, On some properties of the discrete Lyapunov exponent, Physics Letters A 372 (41) : 6265-6268, 2008
  3. S. Alabrudzinski, M.L. Ekiel-Jezewska, W. Suchecki, T.A. Kowalewski, Metoda pomiaru ruchu malej grupy czastek opadajacej w cieczy, in Wybrane zagadnienia przeplywów i wymiany ciepla, W. Suchecki (Eds.), chap. 3, pp.59-85, Oficyna Wyd. Polit. Warsz. 2008.
  4. S. Alabrudzinski, M. L. Ekiel-Jezewska, T. A. Kowalewski, K. Urbaniec, Badania eksperymentalne i interpretacja teoretyczna oddzialywan hydrodynamicznych grupy czastek kulistych opadajacych w lepkiej cieczy, w monografii: Wybrane zagadnienia mechaniki w budowie urz?dze? technicznych, wydana przez Instytut Inzynierii Materialowej Politechniki Warszawskiej, Plock (2008), rozdzia? I.1, str. 7-21.
  5. T.A. Kowalewski, S. Blonski, P. Korczyk, Eksperymentalna analiza przeplywów w skali mikro i nano, in Wybrane zagadnienia przeplywów i wymiany ciepla, W. Suchecki (Eds.), chap. 6, pp.127-149, Oficyna Wyd. Polit. Warsz. 2008.
  6. P. Licznar, J. Lomotowski, S. Blonski, G.J. Ciach, Microprocessor Field Impactometer Calibration: Do We Measure Drops Momentum or Their Kinetic Energy?, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 25, pp. 742-753, 2008
  7. Sz. Malinowski, M. Andrejczuk, W. W. Grabowski, P. Korczyk, P. Smolarkiewicz, T.A. Kowalewski, Laboratory and modeling studies of cloud-clear air interfacial mixing: anisotropy of small-scale turbulence due to evaporative cooling, New Journal of Physics 10, 075020 (15pp), 2008.
  8. T. Kowalczyk A. Nowicka, D. Elbaum, T.A. Kowalewski, Electrospinning of bovine serum albumin. Optimization and the use for production of biosensors, Biomacromolecules 9, pp. 2087-2090, 2008.
  9. K.Puszynski, B.Hat, T.Lipniacki, Oscillations and bistability in the stochastic model of p53, J. Theor. Biol. V. 254 (2), 452-465, 2008
  10. T. Lipniacki, B. Hat, J. R. Faeder, W. S. Hlavacek, Stochastic effects and bistability in T cell receptor signaling, J. Theor. Biol., V. 254 (1), 110-122, 2008 (pdf)
  11. Guzowski J, Cichocki B, Wajnryb E, Abade GC The short-time self-diffusion coefficient of a sphere in a suspension of rigid rods, Journal of Chemical Physics, 128, 094502, 2008
  12. Baron M, Blawzdziewicz J, Wajnryb E, Hydrodynamic crystals: Collective dynamics of regular arrays of spherical particles in a parallel-wall channel, Physical Review Letters, 100, 174502, 2008
  13. J. Blawzdziewicz and E. Wajnryb, An analysis of the far-field response to external forcing of a suspension in the Stokes flow in a parallel-wall channel, Physics of Fluids 20, 093303 (2008)
  14. E. Wajnryb, J. Blawzdziewicz, Hydrodynamic crystals: collective dynamics of regular arrays ofspherical particles in a parallel-wall channel, International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Adelaide, Australia, August 25-29, 2008, CD-ROM proceedings ISBN 978-0-9805142-1-6
  15. K. Sadlej, M. L. Ekiel-Jezewska, E. Wajnryb, Hydrodynamic friction of polymer absorbed on a planar surface, International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Adelaide, Australia, August 25-29, 2008, CD-ROM proceedings ISBN 978-0-9805142-1-6
  16. M. L. Ekiel-Jezewska, Periodic orbits of Stokesian dynamics, International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Adelaide, Australia, August 25-29, 2008, CD-ROM proceedings ISBN 978-0-9805142-1-6
  17. M. L. Ekiel-Jezewska, E. Wajnryb, J. Blawzdziewicz, François Feuillebois, Lubrication approximation for microparticles moving along parallel walls, Journal of Chemical Physics 129, 181102, 2008 pdf
  18. M. L. Ekiel-Jezewska, T. Gubiec, and P. Szymczak, Stokesian dynamics of close particles, Phys. Fluids, 20, 063102 (2008). pdf, movies
  19. M. L. Ekiel-Jezewska, K. Sadlej, and E. Wajnryb, Friction of rod-like particles adsorbed to a planar surface in shear flow, J. Chem. Phys. 129, 041104 (2008).
  20. A. Mylyk, M. L. Ekiel-Jezewska, Odwracalnosc mikroprzeplywów, Postepy Fizyki 59 (6), p.238-243, 2008.
  21. K.Piechór, Non-local Korteweg stresses from kinetic theory point of view, Archives of Mechanics, 60 , 1, 23-58, 2008
  22. S. Barral, J. Miedzik, E. Ahedo A model for the active control of low frequency oscillations in Hall thrusters In 44th AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, Hartford (CT), USA, AIAA 2008-4632 (2008)
  23. Z. Peradzynski, K. Makowski, S. Barral, J. Kurzyna, M. Dudeck, The role of the electron energy balance in plasma thruster instabilities AIP Conference Proceedings 993:435 (2008) PLASMA 2007 - International Conference on Research and Applications of Plasmas, Greifswald, Germany (2007)
  24. S. Barral, E. Ahedo, On the origin of low frequency oscillations in Hall thrusters AIP Conference Proceedings 993:439 (2008) PLASMA 2007 - International Conference on Research and Applications of Plasmas, Greifswald, Germany (2007)
  25. J. Kurzyna, K. Makowski, Z. Peradzynski, A. Lazurenko, S. Mazouffre, M. Dudeck, Where is the breathing mode? High voltage Hall effect thruster studies with EMD method AIP Conference Proceedings 993:443 (2008) PLASMA 2007 - International Conference on Research and Applications of Plasmas, Greifswald, Germany (2007)
  26. T. A. Kowalewski, J. Szumbarski, S. Blonski, Low-Reynolds-Number Instability of the Laminar Flow Between Wavy Walls, in ASME 6th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels, June 2008, Darmstadt, CD-ROM Proceedings ISBN 0-7918-3826-9, 62070, pp. 1-8, ASME 2008.
  27. S. Jebauer and J. Czerwinska, Slip Flow Structures in Confined Geometries, in ASME 6th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels, June 2008, Darmstadt, CD-ROM Proceedings ISBN 0-7918-3826-9,62125, pp. 1-10, ASME 2008.
  28. T. Lewandowski, S. Jebauer, J. Czerwinska, P. Doerffer Non Continuum Effects in Micro-Channel Turbulent Gas Flow, in ASME 6th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels, June 2008, Darmstadt, CD-ROM Proceedings ISBN 0-7918-3826-9,62123, pp. 1-10, ASME 2008.
  29. S. Blonski, T.A. Kowalewski, J. Szumbarski, Flow destabilization and chaotic mixing in the channel with transversely corrugated walls, XXII International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Adelaide, Australia, August 25-29, 2008, CD-ROM proceedings ISBN 978-0-9805142-1-6
  30. P. Korczyk. Sz. Malinowski, T.A. Kowalewski, Evidence of anisotropy of small scale turbulence in the laboratory model of an atmospheric cloud, XXII International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Adelaide, Australia, August 25-29, 2008, CD-ROM proceedings ISBN 978-0-9805142-1-6
  31. J. Czerwinska, E. Deriaz, T.A. Kowalewski, Nano-scale solidification phenomena, XXII International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Australia, August 25-29, 2008, CD-ROM proceedings ISBN 978-0-9805142-1-6
  32. S. Blonski, T. Kowalewski, D. Mikielewicz, A. Stasiek, J. Stasiek, Heat transfer enhancement through the use of transverse vortex generators, Proceedings of XXVI Congresso Nazionale UIT sulla Trasmissione del Calore, Palermo, 23-25 Giugno 2008
  33. Sz. P. Malinowski P. Korczyk, T. A. Kowalewski, Turbulent mixing of cloud with the environment: Two-phase evaporating flow as seen by particle imaging velocimetry, Proceedings of International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation ICCP-2008, 7-11 July, 2008 Cancun, Mexico
  34. P. Korczyk, Drobnoskalowa turbulencja w procesie mieszania chmury z otoczeniem - model laboratoryjny, IFTR Reports 4/2008, ISBN 978-83-89687-42-5
  35. S. Tokarzewski, I. Andrianov, Viscoelastic behaviour of a cancellous bone filled with marrow, Theoretical Foundation of Civil Engineering, Polish-Ukrainian-Lithuanian Transactions, Warsaw, June 2008 vol. 16 pp.367-372.
  36. B.Cichocki, K. Sadlej, Stokesian dynamics - the BBGKY hierarchy for correlation functions, J. Stat. Phys. 132, pp.129-151, 2008
  37. K. Dekajlo, Eksperymentalna i numeryczna analiza niestabilnosci termicznych pochylonego modelu wymiennika ciepla, Polska Energ. Slon. 1-4/2008, p. 22-28.
  38. Kazmierczak B., Volpert V., Travelling calcium waves in systems with non-diffusing buffers, Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 18 pp. 883-912, 2008


  1. T.A. Kowalewski, S. Barral, T. Kowalczyk, Modeling Electrospinning of Nanofibers, in Modelling Nanomaterials and Nanosystems. R. Pyrz, J.C. Rauhe (Eds.), IUTAM Bookseries Vol. 13, Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2009, pp. 279-292.
  2. J. Szczepanski, On the distribution function of the complexity of finite sequences, Information Sciences 179, 1217-1220, 2009
  3. K. Sadlej, E. Wajnryb, M.L. Ekiel-Jezewska, T.A. Kowalewski, Dynamics of nanofibers conveyed by low Reynolds number flow in a micro-channel, in Proceedings of 7th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 28 June ­ 03 July 2009, Krakow, Poland, J. S. Szmyd, J. Spalek, T. A. Kowalewski (Eds.), CD-ROM, ISBN 978-837464-235-4, AGH 2009, pp. 237-244.
  4. T.A. Kowalewski, S. Blonski, Turbulence in micro-channels, in Proceedings of 7th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 28 June ­ 03 July 2009, Krakow, Poland, J. S. Szmyd, J. Spalek, T. A. Kowalewski (Eds.), CD-ROM, ISBN 978-837464-235-4, AGH 2009, pp. 361-368.
  5. B. Hat, K. Puszynski, T. Lipniacki, Exploring mechanisms of oscillations in p53 and NF-kappa B systems, IET Sys. Biol. 2009. pdf
  6. K. Puszynski, R. Bertolusso, T. Lipniacki, Crosstalk between p53 and NF-kB systems: pro- and anti-apoptotic functions of NF-kB IET Sys. Biol. 2009. pdf
  7. B. Kazmierczak, T. Lipniacki, Regulation of kinase activity by diffusion and feedback J. Theor. Biol. 259, pp. 291-296, pdf, 2009
  8. M. L. Ekiel-Jezewska and E. Wajnryb, Hydrodynamic orienting of asymmetric microobjects under gravity, J. Phys. Condens. Matter, 21, 204102 (2009).
  9. K. Sadlej, E.Wajnryb, J. Blawzdziewicz, M. L. Ekiel-Jezewska, and Z. Adamczyk, Streaming current and streaming potential for particle covered surfaces: Virial expansion and simulations, J. Chem. Phys. 130, 144706 (2009).
  10. B. Cichocki and M. L. Ekiel-Jezewska, Self-diffusion of a sphere in an effective medium of rods, J. Chem. Phys. 130, 214902, 2009.
  11. T.A. Kowalewski, S. Barral, Modelling Electrospinning of Nanofibres, PAMM vol. 9, p. 463-464, 2009.
  12. J. Stasiek, A. Stasiek, D. Mikielewicz, S. Blonski, T.A. Kowalewski, The use of Liquid Crystal Thermography and Particle Image Velocimetry in the Exploration of Heat Transfer Measurements, 6th Int. Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer (THMT09), Rome Sept. 2009, K. Hanjalic, Y. Nagano and S. Jakirlic (Editors), Begell House, Inc.
  13. S. Alabrudzinski, M. L. Ekiel-Jezewska, D. Chehata-Gomez, and T.A. Kowalewski, Particle clusters settling under gravity in a viscous fluid, Phys. Fluids 21, 073302 (2009) pdf.
  14. R. Fryczkowski, T. Kowalczyk, Nanofibres from polyaniline/polyhydroxybutyrate blends, Synthetic Metals, pp.2266-2268, 2009.
  15. O. Bretcanu, S. K. Misra, D. M. Yunos, A. R. Boccaccini, I. Roy, T. Kowalczyk, S. Blonski, T. A. Kowalewski, Electrospun nanofibrous biodegradable polyester coatings on Bioglass-based glass-ceramics for tissue engineering, Materials Chemistry and Physics 118, 420-426, 2009
  16. Z. Peradzynski, S. Barral, K. Makowski, M. Dudeck, Causality violation in analysis of Hall thruster plasma instabilities, J. Tech. Phys. 49, pp. 315-327, 2009.
  17. Sz. Malinowski, P. Korczyk, T.A. Kowalewski, Turbulent mixing of cloud with the enviroment: small scales of two-phase evaporating flow seen by particle imaging velocimetry, Proc. of Euromech Colloquium 512, Torino Oct. 26-29, 2009, eds. D. Tordella, K.S. Sreenivasan, pp. 75- 78, Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 2009
  18. S. Blonski, Analiza przejscia laminarno-turbulentnego w mikrokanalach, IFTR Reports 2/2009, ISBN 978-83-89687-50-0
  19. A. R. Abate, A. Poitzsch, Y. Hwang, J. Lee, J. Czerwinska, and D. A. Weitz, Impact of inlet channel geometry on microfluidic drop formation Phys. Rev. E 80, 0263100-5, 2009
  20. T. Lewandowski, S. Jebauer, J. Czerwinska, P. Doerffer Entrance Effects in Microchannel Gas Flow, Journal of Thermal Science 18, No.4 (2009) pp. 345-352
  21. S. Tokarzewski, A. Magnus, J. Gilewicz, Estimation of a Stieltjes function expanded to Taylor series at complex conjugate points, J. Comp. Appl. Math., 233 (3), 835-841, 2009.
  22. S. Tokarzewski, Inequalities for bounds on effective transport coefficients of two-phase media from power expansions at real points, ZAMP, DOI : 10.1007/s00033-009-0026, 2009.
  23. Maria L Ekiel-Je?ewska and Eligiusz Wajnryb, Precise multipole method for calculating hydrodynamic interactions between spherical particles in the Stokes flow, in Theoretical Methods for Micro Scale Viscous Flows, 127-172 ISBN: 978-81-7895-400-4 Editors: François Feuillebois and Antoine Sellier, 2009
  24. Mark Alber, Richard Gejji, Bogdan Kazmierczak, Existence of global solutions of a macroscopic model of cellular motion in a chemotactic field, Applied Mathematics Letters 22, pp. 1645-1648, 2009
  25. N. El Khatib, S. Génieys, B. Kazmierczak, V. Volpert Mathematical modelling of atherosclerosis as an inflammatory disease Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 18, 2009, pp. 445-452


Link to the IPPT list of papers published since 2005.

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Department of Mechanics and Physics of Fluids