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 2008 powrót do początku

 2007 powrót do początku

  • E. Roszkowska, B. Kreczmer, A. Borkowski, M. Gnatowski. Distributed supervisory control for a system of path-network sharing mobile robots. 3rd European Conference on Mobile Robots. Freiburg - Germany, September 2007, 54-59.
  • S. Ambroszkiewicz, A. Borkowski, K. Cetnarowicz, W. Turek. Adaptive bilayer control of multiple mobile robots. In: A. Maslowski, ed. Technical Challenges in Robotics for the Changing World (ISMCR 2007). Warsaw, June 2007, 31-50.
  • A. Borkowski, E. Grabska, A. Ozimek, P. Ozimek, K. Papiernik. Supporting conceptual design in architecture by linguistic model. Machine GRAPHICS & VISION , 2007, in print.
  • G. Karciauskas. Learning of Latent Class Models by Splitting and Merging Components. Book chapter in P. Lucas, J.A. Gámez, A. Salmerón, eds. Advances in Probabilistic Graphical Models, 235-251. Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing 213, Springer, 2007.
  • P. Nikodem, A. Borkowski. Self-adapting evolutionary methods in designing skeletal structures. In: B. Bieliczynski et al., eds. Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms (ICANNGA 2007), Part I. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4431: 102-109, Springer, 2007.
  • B. Siemiatkowska. Hybrydowa reprezentacja otoczenia robota mobilnego [Hybrid representation of an environment of a mobile robot, in Polish]. Pomiary, Automatyka, Robotyka 3: CD-ROM, 2007.
  • B. Siemiatkowska, M. Gnatowski, A. Zychewicz. Fast method of 3D map building based on laser range data. Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics and Inteligent Systems 2: 35-40, 2007.
  • B. Siemiatkowska, M. Gnatowski, A. Zychewicz. Tworzenie map otoczenia robota mobilnego na podstawie wskazan skanera 3D [Creation of environment maps of a mobile robot on the basis of a 3-D scanner readings, in Polish]. Pomiary, Automatyka, Robotyka 3: CD-ROM, 2007.
  • M. Styczynska, M. Chodakowska-Zebrowska, A. Pfeffer, T. Gabryelewicz, M. Kobrys, G. Karciauskas, G. Czapski, J. Strosznajder, M. Barcikowska. Association Between Nitric Oxide Synthase Gene (NOS3) Polymorphism and the Risk of Alzheimer's Disease. Neurodegenerative Diseases 4 (Suppl. 1): 39, 2007.
 2006 powrót do początku

  • R. Benetis, C.S. Jensen, G. Karciauskas, S. Saltenis. Nearest and Reverse Nearest Neighbor Queries for Moving Objects. The VLDB Journal 15(3): 229–250, 2006. [.PDF file available].
  • A. Borkowski. From navigation to application in mobile robots (in Polish). In: K. Tchon, ed. Advances in Robotics. WKL, Warsaw, 2006, 215-234.
  • A. Borkowski. Mathematical programming in structural mechanics – the past and the future. In: M. Pandey, ed. Proc. Int. Conf. Advances in Engineering Structures, Mechanics and Construction (Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, May 14-17, 2006). Springer-Verlag, 2006, 639-651.
  • R. Kosinski, A. Grabowski, B. Siemiatkowska. Dwukamerowy, neuronowy system bezpieczenstwa do wykrywania sytuacji niebezpiecznych na zautomatyzowanych stanowiskach pracy [Two-camera neuronal safety system for detection of dangerous situations on automatized workplaces. Pomiary, Automatyka, Robotyka, 2006.
  • M. Olszewski, B. Siemiatkowska, R Chojecki, P. Marcinkiewicz, P. Trojanek , M. Majchrowski. Mobile robot localization using laser range scanner and omnicamera. 16-th Symposium on Robot Design, Dynamics, and Control: 20-24, Springer, 2006.
  • B. Siemiatkowska. Zastosowanie transformacji Hougha do tworzenia mapy i lokalizacji robota mobilnego [Application of Hough transformations to creation of a map and localization of a mobile robot, in Polish]. Krajowa Konferencja Robotyki, 2006.
  • B. Siemiatkowska, R. Chojecki , M. Olszewski. Zastosowanie wielowarstwowych sieci komorkowych do planowania trasy dla robota mobilnego [Application of multilayer cellular networks to path planning of a mobile robot, in Polish]. Pomiary, Automatyka, Robotyka, 2006.
 2005 powrót do początku

  • A. Borkowski, Ch. Branki, T. Bittenberg, A. Bridges, E. Grabska. Three-layered agents evaluators for three-layered structural optimisation problems in a multi-agent structural tool, in: Proc. 10th International Conference on Design Sciences & Technology (EUROPIA-05). Damascus, Sept. 2005.
  • A. Borkowski, G. Chas. GIS technology and fuzzy expert systems for localization of waste depots. In: A.A. Borkowski, ed. Proc. 12th International Work-shop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering (EG-ICE), (Radziejowice, June 2005). IPPT PAN, Warsaw, 2005.
  • M. Gnatowski. Search-and-rescue using team of robots. Inteligencia Artificial, Revista Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial 9(28): 17-24, 2005. [.PDF file available].
  • I. Hallmann, A. Borkowski. Automatic calibration of wide-angle camera (in Polish). In: A. Maslowski, ed. Proc. Automation 2002. Industrial Institute of Automation and Measurements (PIAP), Warsaw, March 2005.
  • B. Siemiatkowska. Coordinating the motion of mobile robots using CNN. ECMR: 32-37, 2005.
  • B. Siemiatkowska, A. Borkowski. Zastosowanie sieci komórkowych do planowania dzialan dla zespolu robotow [Applying cellular networks for path planning of multiple mobile robots, in Polish]. Automation, 2005.
  • B. Siemiatkowska, R. Chojecki, P. Marcinkiewicz. Eyes on all sides. Academia, 2005.
 2004 powrót do początku

  • A. Borkowski. On dual approach to piecewise-linear elasto-plasticity. Part I. Continuum models, Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences. 42(4): 329-343, 2004.
  • A. Borkowski. On dual approach to piecewise-linear elasto-plasticity. .Part II. Discrete models, Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences, 42(4): 345-352, 2004.
  • A. Borkowski. Cyras theory revisited. In: Proc. 8th International Conference on Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Vilnius, May 2004.
  • A. Borkowski, G. Chas. GIS-based decision support system for localization of waste depots. In: M. Schnellenbach-Held, ed. Proc. 11th International Work-shop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering (EG-ICE) (Weimar, June 2004). University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, 2004.
  • G. Karciauskas, F.V. Jensen, T. Kocka. Parameter Reusing in Learning Latent Class Models. In: Online Proc. AI&M 16-2004, 8 pp. Eighth International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics, January 4-6, 2004, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. [.PS file available].
  • B. Siemiatkowska. Wykorzystanie transformaty Hougha w lokalizacji robota mobilnego [On the use of Hough transformation for localization of a mobile robot, in Polish]. Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola, 2004.
  • B. Siemiatkowska, R. Chojecki. Mobile robot localization based on omnicamera. IAV04, Elsevier, 2004.
  • B. Siemiatkowska, R. Kosinski. Application of neural networks for safety control. WSEAS Transaction on Computers, 2004.
 2003 powrót do początku

  • A. Borkowski, J. Szuba. Graph transformations in architectural design. Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences (CAMES), 10: 93-109, 2003.
  • A. Borkowski. Graphs in design of buildings. In: E.E. Grabska, ed. Proc. Workshop on Graph Transformations and Design (Jagiellonian University, Cracow, June 2003), 2003.
  • A. Borkowski. Information Technology in Poland on the verge of joining the European Union. In: I. Flood, ed. Proc. 4th Joint ASCE-EG-ICE Symposium on Information Technology in Civil Engineering (ASCE, Nashville, November 2003). 2003.
  • A. Borkowski, G. Chas, Nguyen Quoc Thanh. On graph-based design of floor layout. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management IX(2): 132-138, 2003.
  • A. Borkowski, E. Grabska, P. Nikodem, B. Strug. Searching for innovative structural layouts by means of graph grammars and evolutionary optimization. In: F. Bontempi, ed. Proc. 2nd Intern. Structural Engineering and Construction Conference (ISEC-02) (Rome, Sept. 2003), 2003.
  • B. Siemiatkowska, R. Chojecki. Mobile robot navigation based on omnidirectional sensor. Proc. of ECMR'03, 2003.
  • T. Kuczmarski, B. Siemiatkowska, A. Typiak. A multi-element system of surrounding recognition and objects localization for unmanned ground vehicles. 20th Intenational Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, 2003.
  • B. Siemiatkowska, R. Kosinski. Metoda automatycznego wykrywania polozenia ramienia robota przemyslowego [A method of automatic arm position detection of an industrial robot, in Polish]. Automation: 255-261, 2003.
 2002 powrót do początku

  • A. Borkowski. Symmetry in mechanics – the central idea of A. Cyras scientific work. In: J. Atkociunas, ed. Problems in contemporary mechanics (Prof. A. Cyras 75-th anniversary). Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Vilnius 2002.
  • M. Gnatowski, A. Borkowski, Robust model of cooperation of multiple mobile robots in the task of rescue mission (in Polish). In: Proc. Automation 2002, April 2002.
  • A. Borkowski, E. Grabska, P. Nikodem, B. Strug. On genetic search of optimum layout of skeletal structures, In: M. Schnellenbach-Held, ed. Proc. 9th Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering. Darmstadt 2002.
  • A. Borkowski, E. Grabska, P. Nikodem, B. Strug. On graph grammars and genetic algorithms in layout optimization. In: J. Bauer, K. Trebicki, eds. Proc. 34th Polish Conference on Solid Mechanics (Solmech 2002). IPPT PAN, Zakopane 2002.
  • A. Borkowski, E. Grabska, J. Szuba. On graph-based knowledge representation in design. In: T. Songer, ed. Computing in Civil Engineering. Proc. International Workshop on IT in CE. ASCE, Washington, D.C. 2002.
  • I. Hallmann, A. Borkowski. Korekcja nieliniowych znieksztalcen obrazu [Correction of non-linear distortions of an image, in Polish]. In: A. Maslowski, ed. Proc. Automation 2002. Industrial Institute of Automation and Mesurements (PIAP), Warsaw 2002.
  • B. Siemiatkowska. Zastosowanie Transformaty Hougha w lokalizacji robota mobilnego [Application of Hough transform for localization of a mobile robot, in Polish]. Automation, 2002.
  • B. Siemiatkowska, R. Kosinski. Inteligentny system ochrony zrobotyzowanych stanowisk pracy [An intelligent system for protection of robotized workplaces, in Polish]. Automation, 2002.
  • J. Szuba, A. Schuerr, A. Borkowski. GraCAD – graph-based tool for conceptual design. In: A. Corradini, H. Ehrig, H.-J. Kreowski, G. Rozenberg, eds. Graph Transformations. Proc. 1st International Conference ICGT 2002, Barcelona, October 2002. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2502: 363-377, Springer, 2002.
 2001 powrót do początku

  • A. Borkowski. Graph grammars in conceptual design. In: J. Holnicki-Szulc, ed. Proc. of the SMART’01. Centre of Excellence on Advanced Materials and Structures (AMAS), Warsaw 2001.
  • A. Borkowski. Mobile robots versus intelligent transport systems. In; K. Kozlowski, ed. Proc. of the 2nd International Workshop on Robot Motion and Control (RoMoCo’01). Bukowy Dworek, 2001.
  • A. Borkowski, M. Gnatowski, J. Malec. Mobile Robot Cooperation in Simple Environments. Second International Workshop on Robot Motion and Control, RoMoCo'01: 109-114, Bukowy Dworek, Poland, 2001.
  • A. Borkowski, E. Grabska. Graphs in layout optimisation. In: J. Ugwu, ed. Proc. of the 8th International Workshop of the European Group on the Structural Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. Loughborough University, Loughborough, 2001.
  • A. Borkowski, E. Grabska. On computer-aided conceptual design. In: Proc. of the 7th Int. Conf. on Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques. Vilnius Gediminas Technological University, Vilnius 2001.
  • Ch. Branki, A. Borkowski, E. Grabska, W. Palacz. Towards collaborative design. International Journal of Automation in Construction 4: 607-616, 2001.
  • M. Gnatowski, J. Malec. Minimalistyczny model wspólpracy robotów mobilnych [Minimalistic model of mobile robots cooperation, in Polish]. VII Krajowa Konferencja Robotyki, Tom 1: 205-216, Ladek Zdrój, 2001.
  • I. Hallmann, B. Siemiatkowska. Artificial landmark navigation system. Proc. of the 9th International Symposium Intelligent Robotic Systems, 2001.
 2000 powrót do początku

  • A. Borkowski. Problemy badawcze w robotow mobilnych [On some research problems in mobile robotics, in Polish]. In: A. Maslowski, ed. Proc. of Automation 2000. Warsaw 2000.
  • A. Borkowski. Roboty mobilne dzis i jutro [Mobile robots today and tomorrow, in Polish]. Invited paper in: Proc. of the 39th Symposium on Modeling in Mechanics. Polish Society for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (PTMTS), Wisla 2000.
  • A. Borkowski. Soft methods in optimum design. In: T. Burczynski, W. Cholewa, eds. Proc. of the Symposium on Methods of Artificial Intelligence in Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering (AI-MECH 2000). Gliwice 2000.
  • A. Borkowski, M. Gnatowski. Modelowanie wspoldzialania robotow ratowniczych [Modelling cooperation of rescue robots, in Polish]. In: A. Schaefer, ed. Proc. of Agent Day 2000. Institute of Computer Science, Jagiellonian University, Cracow 2000.
  • A. Borkowski, J. Guzek. Model agentowy systemu decyzyjnego kierowcy [Agent-based model of decision support system for a car driver, in Polish]. In: A. Maslowski, ed. Proc. of Automation 2000. Warsaw 2000.
  • M. Gnatowski. Modelling cooperation of surveillance robots. 2000.
  • J. Racz, M. Nieniewski, A. Dubrawski, B. Siemiatkowska, A. Strzelecki. Computer aided diagnosis based on analysis of microcalcifications. The 5th International Workshop on Digital Mammography, 2000.
  • B. Siemiatkowska. Path planning for a team of robots. SIRS, 2000.
 1999 powrót do początku

  • A. Borkowski, ed. Artificial Intelligence in Structural Engineering. Proc. 6-th EG-SEA-AI Workshop. WNT, Warszawa 1999.
  • A. Borkowski. On concept of intelligent elements in computer-aided engineering design. In: M. Klopotek, ed. Proc. of International Symposium on Intelligent Information Systems (IIS'99), Institute of Computer Science, Warsaw 1999.
  • A. Borkowski. On intelligent structural elements. In: S. Ambrasas, ed. Proceedings of the International Conference on Modern Materials, Methods and Structures in Civil Engineering (SF'99). Vilnius Gediminas Technological University, Vilnius, 110-134, 1999.
  • A. Borkowski, D. Danicka, M. Gnatowski. Modelling co-operation of mobile robots by an object-oriented language. In: A. Maslowski, ed. Proc. of Automation'99. Warsaw 1999.
  • A. Borkowski, D. Daniecka, M. Gnatowski. Modelowanie wspólpracy robotów mobilnych za pomoca jezyka obiektowo zorientowanego [Modelling of cooperation of mobile robots with object-oriented language, in Polish]. 1999.
  • A. Borkowski, E. Grabska, G. Hliniak. Function-structure computer-aided design model. Machine GRAPHICS & VISION. 8: 367-383, 1999.
  • A. Borkowski, E. Grabska, J. Szuba. Visualization of graphs in ArchiCAD. In: M. Nagl, ed. Proc. of the Symposium on Graph Applications (AGTIVE'99). Rolduc 1999.
  • A. Chmielniak, A. Dubrawski, B. Siemiatkowska. A distributed system for control and management of teams of mobile robots. Automation, 1999.
  • R. Kosinski, B. Siemiatkowska. Neural network for safety control. Neural Network and Their Application, 1999.
  • R. Kosinski, B. Siemiatkowska, C. Kozlowski. Computer simulated neural network system for safety control. EUROCAST99, 1999.
  • B. Siemiatkowska, A. Dubrawski. Global map building and path planning for mobile robots. Proc. of International Conf. on Intelligent Techniques in Robotics, Control and Decision Making, 1999.
  • J. Szuba, E. Grabska, A. Borkowski. Visualisation of graphs in ArchiCAD. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1774: 241-246, Springer, 1999.
 1998 powrót do początku

  • A. Borkowski. Environment recognition in mobile robotics. In: W. Mokrzycki, ed. Proc. of International Conference on Computer Graphics and Image Processing (GKPO'98). Borki 1998.
  • A. Borkowski, E. Grabska. Converting function into object. In: I. Smith, ed. Artificial Intelligence in Structural Engineering. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1454: 434-440, Springer-Verlag, 1998.
  • A. Borkowski, A. Dubrawski, B. Siemiatkowska. O problemach nawigacji robotow mobilnych [On navigation problems in mobile robotics, in Polish]. In: K. Tchon, ed. Proc. of the Polish Conference on Robotics. Swieradow-Zdroj 1998.
  • A. Dubrawski, B. Siemiatkowska. A neural method for self-localization of a mobile robot equipped with a 2-d scanning laser range finder. Proc. of the IEEE Conf. on Robotics and Automation, 1998.
  • R. Kosinski, B. Siemiatkowska. Cellular neural network for safety control. HANMAHA, 1998.
  • B. Siemiatkowska, A. Dubrawski. Cellular neural networks for a mobile robot. Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing, 1998.
  • B. Siemiatkowska, A. Dubrawski. Neural methods for navigation of a mobile robot equipped with a 2d scanning laser range finder. Workshop Artificial Neural Networks - Trends and Application, 1998.
 1997 powrót do początku

  • A. Borkowski. Cyberspace in Civil Engineering – reality or hype? In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Modern Materials, Methods and Structures in Civil Engineering (SF'97). Vilnius Gediminas Technological University, 112-124, Vilnius 1997.
  • A. Borkowski. Data Mining - a new tool for engineers. In: Proceedings of the International Conference Aviation'97, 32-45, Vilnius 1997.
  • A. Borkowski. Nowe narzedzia informatyczne w projektowaniu [New IT-tools in design, in Polish]. Przeglad Mechaniczny (Mechanical Review), 21: 5-13, 1997.
  • A. Borkowski. On applications of IT in engineering design in Poland. In: M. Heinisuo, ed. Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Structural Engineering. Tampere University of Technology, Dept. of Civil Engineering and Structural Mechanics, Report no. 22: 9-11, 1997.
  • A. Dubrawski, B. Siemiatkowska. A neural method for self-localization of a mobile robot equipped with 2d scanning range finder. Proc. of International Workshop on Intelligent Robotics Systems'97, 1997.
  • E. Grabska, A. Borkowski. Generating floor layouts by means of composite representation. In: Computers in the Practice of Building and Civil Engineering. Report of the Worldwide ECCE Symposium, 154-158, Lahti 1997.
  • J. Racz, N. Koyechi, T. Arai, B. Siemiatkowska. MELEMANTIS - the walking manipulator. Proc. of International Workshop on Intelligent Robotics Systems, 1997.
 1996 powrót do początku

  • T. Arciszewski, A. Borkowski. Wspolczesne metody komputerowe w budownictwie [Contemporary methods of Computer Science in Civil Engineering, in Polish]. In: A. Gomulinski, M. Witkowski, ed. Anniversary book of Prof. Zbigniew Kaczkowski Warsaw Technological University, 99-109, Warsaw 1996.
  • A. Borkowski, A. Dubrawski, J. Racz. Applying ART-type neural networks in navigation systems of autonomous mobile robots. In: Proc. of the 5th Polish Conference on Robotics, Swieradow Zdroj 1996.
  • E. Grabska, A. Borkowski. Assisting creativity by composite representation. In: J.S. Gero, F. Sudweeks, eds. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Design (AID'96). Kluwer Academic Publishers, 743-759, Dortrecht 1996.
  • J. Racz, B. Siemiatkowska, R Sawwa, M. Petz. 2D map building based on LRF readouts. Intemational Symposium on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics, 1996.
 1995 powrót do początku

  • A. Borkowski, N. Fleischmann. SpaceFrame: an integrated tool for designing of space trusses. In: I. Smith, ed. Proc. of the IABSE Colloquium on Knowledge Support Systems in Civil Engineering, Bergamo, March 1995. IABSE Reports, 72: 107-115, Zurich 1995.
  • A. Borkowski, E. Grabska. Representing designs by CP-Graphs. In: I. Smith, ed. Proc. of the IABSE Colloquium on Knowledge Support Systems in Civil Engineering, Bergamo, March 1995 IABSE Reports, 72: 27-36, Zurich 1995.
 1994 powrót do początku

  • T. Arciszewski, A. Borkowski, P. Dybala, J. Racz, P. Wojan. Empirical performance comparison for symbolic and subsymbolic learning systems. In: K. Khozeimeh, ed. Proce. of the First ASCE Congress on Computing in Civil Engineering. ASCE, 1075-1082, Washington, D.C. 1994.
  • A. Borkowski. On new paradigms in representing knowledge about design. Invited paper In: J. Holnicki-Szulc, ed. Proc. of the Japan-Central European Joint Workshop on Advanced Computing in Engineering. Pultusk 1994.
 1993 powrót do początku

  • A. Borkowski, N. Fleischmann, K.-U. Bletzinger.  Supporting conceptual decisionsin structural design. Computing Systems in Engineering, 4: 223-234, 1993.
  • A. Borkowski, B. Siemiatkowska, K. Sikorski, M. Weigl. Grid-based mapping for autonomous mobile robot, Journal of Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 11: 13-21, 1993.
 1992 powrót do początku

  • A. Borkowski. Neural networks and structural optimization. In: T. Burczynski, ed. Proc. of the Advanced TEMPUS Course on Numerical Methods in Computer Aided Optimal Design, Zakopane, May 1992. Silesian Technical University, Gliwice 1992.
  • A. Borkowski, S. Józwiak, M. Danicka. Supporting design decisions by Prolog database. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 34: 941-946, 1992.
  • A. Borkowski, J. Racz, M. Weigl, B. Siemiatkowska, K.A. Sikorski. Control of autonomous mobile robots. In: A. Morecki, W. Muszynski, K. Tchon, ed. Robotics Research and Applications: 115-134. WNT, Warsaw 1992, pp. .
  • A. Borkowski, J. Zawidzki. Region filling problem – knowledge representation and solution in PROLOG. Archiwum Budowy Maszyn (Archives of Mechanical Engineering), 39: 135-146, 1992.
 1991 powrót do początku

  • A. Borkowski, N. Fleischmann, K.-U. Bletzinger. Supporting conceptual decisions in structural design. In: B.H.V. Topping, ed. Artificial Intelligence and Structural Engineering. 87-96, Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh 1991.
  • A. Borkowski, S. Jozwiak, N. Fleischmann. On procedural and declarative aspects of optimum structural design. In: D. Grierson, A. Franchi, P. Riva, eds. Progress in Structural Engineering. 279-292, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dortrecht 1991.
  • R. Kazys, K. Kundrotas, P. Dzimidavicius, L. Mazeika, A. Borkowski. Programmable ultrasonic range finder for mobile robot. Robotersysteme, 7: 101-106, 1991.
 1990 powrót do początku

  • A. Borkowski. Complementarity problems and unilateral constraints. In: D.L. Smith, ed. CISM Courses and Lectures. No. 299, Mathematical Programming Methods in Structural Plasticity. 115-134, Springer-Verlag, Wien 1990.
  • A. Borkowski, S. Jozwiak, M. Danicka. Dynamic knowledge-base for structural design and optimization programs. In: Proc. of the XII International Congress on Mathematics. 37-40, Weimar 1990.
  • A. Borkowski, S. Jozwiak, M. Danicka. Integrated truss design program for educational applications. In: E. Onate, ed. Proc. CATS'90 Conference. 420-424, Pineridge Press, Barcelona 1990.
  • A. Borkowski, K.A. Sikorski. Ultimate load analysis by stochastic programming. In: D.L. Smith, ed. CISM Courses and Lectures, No. 299, Mathematical Programming Methods in Structural Plasticity. 403-424, Springer-Verlag, Wien 1990.

powrót do początku

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Ostatnia aktualizacja 4 styczeń, 2008