Welcome to Micro- and Nano-Fluidics Laboratory
version from 2004 - 2009
Weekly seminars: Seminars ZMiFP
Krasiczyn, Poland: Website
Micro- and Nanofluidics Laboratory was established in November 2006. The main interest of our group involves micro- and nanofluidics and their applications. The application involve nanofibers productions by electrospinning, constructing and designing various MEMS and NEMS devices for bio-chemical analysis, lab-on-chip and cell-on-chip experiments.
Department of Mechanics and
Physics of Fluids (ZMiFP) was establish in 2000 as follower of the previous
one called
Department of Fluid Mechanics - ZMCiG
(1954 -- 1987).
The research topics involved macroscale fluid flow behaviour (example -rain formation in clouds), hydrodynamics interaction in susspensions, DNA sequencing modelling, neural networks modelling, quantum fluids. In recent years ZMiFP Department was involved in several European projects
FP5: FLOXCOM, Low NOx FLOX(r), Combustor for efficiency gas turbines, partner PIVNET2 - A European collaboration on development,
quality assessment, and standardization of Particle Image Velocimetry for
industrial applications, partner ABIOMED,
Applied Biomedical Modelling and Diagnostics,
coordinator FP6: NADIA, New Automotive components Designed for and
manufactured by Intelligent processing of light Alloys,
partner LdV METRO,
MEtallurgical TRaining On-line, partner |