Photography by M. Detyniecki

Hello, my name is Tomasz Steifer.

I am currently a postdoc at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and the Instituto Milenio Fundamentos de los datos, where I am supervised by Pablo Barceló and Cristóbal Rojas.

I am on the leave from the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Until 2022 I have been a co-investigator at the Polish National Science Center grant Algorithmic models of prediction: formal properties and philosophical implications coordinated by Dariusz Kalociński.

I work on topics in theoretical computer science, mathematical logic, artificial intelligence, social choice and so on. More generally, I am interested in using mathematical tools to study epistemological questions, such as, what can be known? I have a strong affinity for mathematical philosophy and I like to think that some of my research is a part of it.

An up-to-date list of my research papers is mantained at Google Scholar
