Maria L.
Ekiel-Jeżewska mekiel(AT)ippt.gov.pl phone:
+48 22 826 12 81 ext. 227 office: 323
of Mechanics and Physics of Fluids Institute
of Fundamental Technological Research Polish
Academy of Sciences Pawińskiego 5b, 02-106 Warsaw, Poland
Hydrodynamic interactions
between particles in a viscous fluid
Structure and transport
coefficients of suspensions
G. C. Abade, B. Cichocki, M. L. Ekiel-Jeżewska,
G. Naegele, and E. Wajnryb, Diffusion, sedimentation, and rheology of concentrated suspensions of core-shell particles, J.
Chem. Phys. 136, 104902-1--16 (2012).
B. Cichocki, M. L. Ekiel-Jeżewska, and E. Wajnryb, Translational Brownian motion for particles of arbitrary shape, J. Chem. Phys. 136, 071102-1--4 (2012).
A. M. Słowicka, M. L. Ekiel-Jeżewska, K. Sadlej, and E. Wajnryb, Dynamics of fibers in a wide microchannel, J. Chem. Phys. 136, 044904-1--8 (2012).
B. Cichocki, M. L. Ekiel-Jeżewska,
G. Naegele, and E. Wajnryb, First-order virial expansion of short-time diffusion and sedimentation coefficients of permeable particles suspensions, Phys. Fluids 23, 083303-1--8 (2011).
G. C. Abade, B. Cichocki, M. L. Ekiel-Jeżewska,
G. Naegele, and E. Wajnryb, Rotational and translational self-diffusion in concentrated suspensions of permeable particles, J.
Chem. Phys. 134, 244903-1--7 (2011).
- L. Pasol, M. Martin, M. L. Ekiel-Jeżewska, E. Wajnryb, J. Bławzdziewicz, and F. Feuillebois, Motion of a sphere parallel to plane walls in a Poiseuille flow.
Application to field-flow fractionation and hydrodynamic chromatography, Chemical Engineering Science 66, pp. 4078-4089 (2011).
- M. L. Ekiel-Jeżewska and E. Wajnryb, Lifetime of a cluster of spheres settling under gravity in Stokes flow, Phys. Rev. E 83, 067301-1--4 (2011).
- A. Myłyk, W. Meile, G. Brenn, and M. L. Ekiel-Jeżewska, Break-up of suspension drops settling under gravity in a viscous fluid close to a vertical wall, Phys. Fluids 23, 063302-1--14 (2011).
- A. Myłyk, M. L. Ekiel-Jeżewska, How walls influence destablization of a suspension drop settling under gravity in a viscous fluid? Colloids Surf.
A 365, 109-111 (2010).
Z. Adamczyk, K. Sadlej, E. Wajnryb, M.
Nattich, M. L. Ekiel-Jeżewska and J. Bławzdziewicz, Streaming potential studies of colloid, polyelectrolyte and protein deposition, Adv. Colloid Interface Sci. 153, 1-29 (2010).
Z. Adamczyk, K. Sadlej, E. Wajnryb, M. L. Ekiel-Jeżewska, P.
Warszyński, Hydrodynamic radii and diffusion coefficients of particle aggregates derived from the bead model,
J. Colloid Interface Sci. 347, 192-201 (2010).
G. C. Abade, B. Cichocki, M. L. Ekiel-Jeżewska,
G. Naegele, and E. Wajnryb, Dynamics of permeable particles in concentrated suspensions, Phys.
Rev. E 81, 020404-1--4 (2010).
G. C. Abade, B. Cichocki, M. L. Ekiel-Jeżewska,
G. Naegele, and E. Wajnryb, Short-time dynamics of permeable particles in concentrated suspensions, J.
Chem. Phys. 132, 014503-1--17 (2010).
G. C. Abade, B. Cichocki, M. L. Ekiel-Jeżewska,
G. Naegele, and E. Wajnryb, High-frequency viscosity of concentrated porous particles suspensions, J.
Chem. Phys.133, 084906-1--9 (2010).
G. C. Abade, B. Cichocki, M. L. Ekiel-Jeżewska,
G. Naegele, and E. Wajnryb, High-frequency viscosity and generalized Stokes-Einstein relations in dense suspensions of porous particles, J.
Condens. Matter
22, 322101-1--6
K. Sadlej,
E. Wajnryb,
and M. L. Ekiel-Jeżewska, Hydrodynamic interactions supress deformation of suspension drops in Poiseuille flow, J.
Chem. Phys. 133, 054901-1--10 (2010).
L. Ekiel-Jeżewska,
A. Kowalewski,
Dynamics of nanofibres conveyed by low Reynolds number flow in a
microchannel, Int.
J. Heat
31, 996–1004 (2010).
Bławzdziewicz, M. L. Ekiel-Jeżewska, and E. Wajnryb, Motion of a
spherical particle near a planar fluid-fluid interface: The effect of
surface incompressibility, J.
Chem. Phys. 133, 114702-1--12
Bławzdziewicz, M. L. Ekiel-Jeżewska, and E. Wajnryb, Hydrodynamic
coupling of spherical particles to a planar fluid-fluid interface:
Theoretical analysis,
Chem. Phys. 133, 114703-1--11
Cichocki, and M. L. Ekiel-Jeżewska, Green tensors for
Debye–Büche–Brinkman equations generalized for axisymmetric
medium, J. Math. Phys. 51, 103101-1--12 (2010).
M. L. Ekiel-Jeżewska
and E.Wajnryb, Precise multipole method for calculating
hydrodynamic interactions between spherical particles in the Stokes
flow, in: Theoretical Methods for Micro Scale Viscous
Flows, eds. Francois Feuillebois and Antoine Sellier, Transworld
Research Network, 2009, pp. 127-172. PDF
M. L. Ekiel-Jeżewska and E. Wajnryb, Hydrodynamic orienting of asymmetric microobjects under gravity, J. Phys. Condens. Matter, 21, 204102 (2009).
K. Sadlej, E.Wajnryb, J. Bławzdziewicz, M. L. Ekiel-Jeżewska, and Z. Adamczyk, Streaming current and streaming potential for particle covered surfaces: Virial expansion and simulations, J. Chem. Phys. 130, 144706 (2009).
B. Cichocki and M. L. Ekiel-Jeżewska, Self-diffusion of a sphere in an effective medium of rods, J. Chem. Phys. 130, 214902 (2009).
Alabrudziński, M. L. Ekiel-Jeżewska, D. Chehata-Gómez, and
T. Kowalewski, Particle
clusters settling under gravity in a viscous fluid,
Phys. Fluids 21, 073302 (2009).
L. Ekiel-Jeżewska, E. Wajnryb, J. Bławzdziewicz, and F. Feuillebois, Lubrication approximation for microparticles moving along parallel walls, J. Chem. Phys.129, 181102 (2008).
L. Ekiel-Jeżewska, K. Sadlej, and E. Wajnryb, Friction
of rod-like particles adsorbed to a planar surface in shear flow,
J. Chem. Phys. 129, 041104 (2008). PDF
L. Ekiel-Jeżewska, T. Gubiec, and P. Szymczak, Stokesian
dynamics of close particles, Phys.
Fluids, 20,
063102 (2008). PDF MOVIES
Cichocki, M. L. Ekiel-Jeżewska and E. Wajnryb, Hydrodynamic
interactions between spheres in a viscous fluid with a flat free
surface or hard wall,
J. Chem. Phys., 126,
184704 (2007).
M. T. Dudyński and M. L. Ekiel-Jeżewska, The
relativistic Boltzmann equation - mathematical and physical aspects,
J. Tech. Phys. 48,
39-47 (2007). PDF
L. Ekiel-Jeżewska and B. U. Felderhof, Clusters
of particles falling in a viscous fluid with periodic boundary
Phys. Fluids, 18,
121502 (2006). PDF
L. Ekiel-Jeżewska and E. Wajnryb, Accuracy
of the multipole expansion applied to a sphere in a creeping flow
parallel to a wall,
Q. Jl Mech. Appl. Math. 59,
563-585 (2006).
L. Ekiel-Jeżewska and E. Wajnryb, Three-particle
motion under gravity in Stokes flow: an equilibrium for spheres in
contrast to ``an end-of-world'' for point particles,
Arch. Mech. 58,
489-494 (2006). PDF
L. Ekiel-Jeżewska and E. Wajnryb, Equilibria
for the relative motion of three heavy spheres in Stokes fluid flow,
Phys. Rev. E 73,
046309 (2006). PDF
M. L.
Ekiel-Jeżewska, B. Metzger, and E. Guazzelli, Spherical
cloud of point particles falling in a viscous fluid,
Phys. Fluids 18,
038104 (2006). PDF
L. Ekiel-Jeżewska and B. U. Felderhof, Periodic
sedimentation of three particles in periodic boundary conditions,
Phys. Fluids 17,
093102 (2005). PDF
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prac doktorskich 2011
Teaching Center
i wystawa ,,Nasi dziadkowie jako uczniowie i nauczyciele" 2012/2013