A kinetic model of non-isothermal crystal nucleation with transient and athermal effects is developed [1]. The basis for nucleation rate formula is provided by the kinetic equation for the development of cluster size distribution. Transient effects in the nucleation process are characterized by the longest relaxation time. Temperature- and time-dependent nucleation rates for isothermal and non-isothermal processes are determined. In isothermal conditions nucleation rate is controlled by thermal mechanism; in non-isothermal conditions there appears also athermal mechanism. A low temperature limit is predicted for thermal nucleation mechanism in polymers.


[1]. Ziabicki A.,  Misztal-Faraj B. , Jarecki L., Kinetic model of non-isothermal crystal nucleation, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, 51, 8935-8952, 2016.


Non-isothermal transient nucleation rate vs. temperature computed for PHB [1].