
ADINA General Info Installation Sample Animations FAQs Links Works in IPPT

Type of License

The ADINA system license purchased by IPPT PAN (from AMAS funds) is so called distributed license. This means that the system must be individually installed on each end user computer. The end user performs all the FEM operations on his own computer.
The program with manuals and examples occupies approximately 200 MB disk space.

The ADINA system is available on several operating platforms.
The type of licensing policy and licensing procedure depends on the operating system.
We will discuss here only two the most popular operating platforms in IPPT intranet.
In the Windows systems (95/98/NT/2000) ADINA uses so called network licensing.
In the Linux systems ADINA uses so called node locked licensing.
We will describe installation process for both of these systems below.

The base for the licensing is the unique network card signature. Hence the computer on which ADINA system is to be used must be equipped with network card.


Installation process Windows systems (network license)

The procedure for installation of ADINA System on machines with Windows operating system (Windows 95/98/NT/2000) is as follows:

  1. Please contact with ADINA administrator in IPPT in order to get CD- ROM disk with ADINA software

    ADINA Administrator:
    Andrzej Ziolkowski,
    tel. 204. room 609

  2. Insert the ADINA System CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive, and the Setup program should should start automatically.  If the Setup program does not start, choose Run from the Start menu, and click the Browse… button to select \Win32\Setup.exe from the CD-ROM, then click OK to start the Setup program.
  3. During installation process please select custom installation. Scroll down Select Components Window (shown below) and necessarily mark "Sentinel License Manager" for installation.

  4. When prompted for the type of ADINA floating license, select  Educational (it is not default option).

  5. Next, enter the IP of the ADINA license server in IPPT intranet namely, and follow the prompts accordingly.

This completes the setup of ADINA system for end users machines.

The process of license verification is transparent for the end user as the ADINA system automatically contacts network license server for checking validity of license. The amount of data sent through the network during this process is very small.


Installation process Linux systems (node lock license)

The procedure for installation of ADINA System on machines with Linux operating system is as follows:

  1. Please contact with ADINA administrator in IPPT in order to get CD- ROM disk with ADINA software

    ADINA Administrator:
    Andrzej Ziolkowski,
    tel. 204. room 609

  2. Insert the ADINA System CD in the CD-ROM drive and mount the drive.
    The <ADINA Home Directory> is the directory where you run the
    <CD-ROM mount directory>/setup to load the ADINA programs.
    When installing the ADINA programs, please answer no when prompted
    “Would you like to install the license passwords now?”
  3. Follow the instructions and prompts of the setup script.

    This completes first part of the setup of ADINA system for end users machines.

  4. Run program adhostid located in ADINA Home Directory.

  5. Send obtained host id to ADINA administrator.

  6. In two, three days you will obtain license file node lock number.

  7. Introduce license lock number on request when starting ADINA System

This finally completes the setup of ADINA system for end users on Linux machines.

The process of license verification in the case of node locked licensing system is performed locally. The computer with this type of license does not need any network connection although it requires presence of the network card.


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Copyright by Andrzej Ziolkowski
In the present web proprietary information of ADINA R&D, Inc.
is used on the consent of the owner.
Last updated: lutego 18, 2002