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The ADINA-F program provides state-of-the-art finite element and control volume capabilities for incompressible and compressible flows. The flows may contain free surfaces and moving interfaces between fluids, and between fluids and structures. An arbitrary Langrangian-Eulerian (ALE) formulation is used.

The procedure used in ADINA-F is based on finite element and finite volume discretization schemes, with a most general and efficient solution approach. General flow conditions in arbitrary geometries can be solved.

Basic assumptions used in modeling fluid flows:

Full Navier-Strokes or Euler equations.
Incompressible or fully compressible flows.
Steady-state or transient analysis.
Laminar or turbulent flows.
Flows with or without heat transfer.
Mass transfer. See example on right. Mass transfer in flow device - Top shows device and bottom shows results (rotated 90 degrees)


Material models for
compressible flows:

Sutherland formulae for viscosity and thermal conductivity, constant heat capacity.
Temperature-dependent viscosity, heat capacity and thermal conductivity.
Pressure-dependent viscosity, heat capacity and thermal conductivity.
Temperature-pressure-dependent viscosity, heat capacity and thermal conductivity.
Flows with high Mach numbers.
Material models for
incompressible flows:

Constant viscosity, heat capacity and thermal conductivity.
Temperature-dependent viscosity, heat capacity and thermal conductivity.
Time-dependent viscosity, heat capacity and thermal conductivity.
Turbulence models: Prandtl mixing-length model, K-Epsilon model, RNG K-Epsilon model, and K-Omega model.
Non-Newtonian models.
Porous material model.

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Copyright by Andrzej Ziolkowski
In the present web proprietary information of ADINA R&D, Inc.
is used on the consent of the owner.
Last updated: lutego 18, 2002